PaneltoPanel Free Shipping Update,
Ten Points In Need of Correction?

I've not watched my set as yet -- still hard at work on too many projects -- but I intend to this week, or at least begin. More later, but don't hesitate on this: get your copy while the DVD is still available. These things sometimes sell out fast!
Seriously -- if I'm offbase on any of the following, let me know, and provide sources/footnotes to steer me to hard info demonstrating where I'm incorrect. I'm writing this off the top of my head.
I will revise this ten-point outline accordingly, and post it again with all corrections cited:
1. Planes hijacked by primarily SAUDI radical Islamists slam into US landmarks and kill 3000+, 9/11/01
2. Saudi Arabia remains our ally. Bush instead cites three other countries as the "Axis of Terror," invades Afghanistan (NOT one of the three countries named, and not part of 9/11) chasing Osama; we never catch him, despite a report of UK military having Osama in their sights and being told to stand down.
3. Saudi Arabia remains our ally. Rather than maintain focus on finishing what we start in Afghanistan, much less do what braggart Bush says we were gonna do with Osama (catch him), we bomb the living fuck out of IRAQ (NOT part of the 9/11 plot, and NOT a terrorist base of operations) and invade sans planning. "We" also ignore the advice of our own military, and "we" fire the only military reps who honestly report what the war will cost. Condi Rice, for six years, argues all this is correct and justified.
4. Saudi Arabia remains our ally. Iraq becomes a vital center of terrorist operations, due primarily to US actions against that country and complete mismanagement of the preemptive war (the reasons for which are proven repeatedly to have been falsely portrayed to the world and US public, to the point where Bush himself publicly discounts the reasons given to justify the war).
5. Saudi Arabia remains our ally. Distracted by waging war in Iraq, Afghanistan unravels, and the Taliban reasserts itself in that country. No centralized government is established, much less reinforced. Iraq descends into increasing chaos, its infrastructure destroyed. Osama is never caught, but Saddam Hussein (who had nothing to do with 9/11) is. He is executed; his brother's head pops off during his respective execution.
6. Saudi Arabia remains our ally, Osama remains uncaught and at large. The wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan (neither part of 9/11) plunged further into chaos, generating anti-US ire and a new generation of radical extremists and terrorists. Having failed on two fronts, Bush vehemently and persistently argues IRAN (one of the three countries named as part of the "Axis of Evil") is a world problem, and should be dealt with sternly -- even after his OWN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY reports Iran has no nuclear program, Bush persists.
7. Saudi Arabia remains our ally, Osama remains uncaught and at large. The wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan (neither part of 9/11) plunged further into chaos. Traveling to the MIDDLE EAST, advocating PEACE, Bush vehemently and persistently argues IRAN (one of the three countries named as part of the "Axis of Evil") is a world problem, and should be dealt with sternly -- Rice agrees, but also argues for PEACE.
8. Bush completes a major SALE OF ARMS to our ally SAUDI ARABIA (remember, SAUDI radicals helmed the planes 9/11), talking PEACE while aggressively arguing IRAN is the most dire threat against world PEACE ("...threatens the security of nations everywhere...") -- despite the NIE report to the contrary.
9. Condi argues, with a prominent SAUDI gov't official at her side, that ISRAEL and ARAB countries should work toward PEACE in THE MIDDLE EAST, a region destabilized by US ACTIONS since 2002. Meanwhile, our pre-emptive, unprovoked wars in Afghanistan and Iraq rage, no end in sight. Arab governments are understandably cynical about anything that comes out of the mouths of Bush and Rice, knowing too that (given failed US military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq) Bush can't back his tough talk about Iran with action.
10. Saudi Arabia remains our ally, Osama remains uncaught and at large. The wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan (neither part of 9/11) plunge further into chaos, generating increasing anti-US ire and uncountable radical extremists and terrorists. The 3000+ killed on US soil on 9/11 has been met with 24,000+ uncharged "detainees" still in various prison facilities (and fresh recruitment centers for radicalized extremists), 4000 US military dead, uncounted US military wounded, uncounted US contracted workers/mercenary dead and/or wounded, and 1 MILLION+ Iraqi dead and more wounded -- NONE dying or wounded on soil from which came a single member of the 9/11 SAUDI radicals who attacked the US. Bush and Condi have one year left in office; argue for PEACE while in the MIDDLE EAST, but foment 'strong action' against IRAN.
Labels: Alan Moore, Mindscape of Alan Moore, PaneltoPanel, Ten Points