Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Whoa, Blog Plagiarism!

  • Hey, this rip is busted! Prudence Shaun News is ripping off my blog verbatim -- ballsy!

  • I've posted a comment to this blog-borrowing-blog, and my thanks to eagle-eyed Rick Veitch for catching this -- and I'm willing to bet this post Rick caught online is gone by the time many of you click on the link above. But who knows -- I mean, it's weird, really.

    As of this posting, at about 7:25 PM, on my own blog, the site sports a verbatim lift of
  • my own February 5th post from this year,
  • presented sans graphics.

    Thanks for catching this, Rick! Anyone else find any similar hanky-panky going on out there, let me know ASAP, please and thank you.

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    Cool Cat

    Tuco lovin' the sun (photo by G. Michael Dobbs)

    Cool Daddy: I was on local TV -- WCAX-TV (Burlington, VT's primary TV station) -- in a story about the Center for Cartoon Studies.
  • Check it out; scroll down to the "Top Stories- Drawn Here Parts 1 and 2."

  • Note that one CCSer (hey, Emily!) says, "I was watching it on Windows Media Player on my PC at work and it went right to the part about the school but apparently if you try to watch it on a Mac it plays the whole newscast from the beginning which is a pain."

    Full day of CCS duties today; I'll write something more tomorrow. Have a great Wednesday...

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