Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wednesday Bacon Bits

* The outrage over the cartoons/caricatures of Muhammed continues unabated, escalating into death as well as destruction. The mysterious addition of unpublished cartoons to the initial binder(s) circulated to Egyptian Islamic officials by the catalytic Islamic group from Denmark that seems to be key to this sequence of events is the most curious aspect of this emerging story. Where did those images come from (rumored to be more provocative than the cartoons that were published), and why were they included? More research, comments to follow --

* I'm wrapping up, at long last, two scripts I've been tinkering with for some time. It's been fun working on them -- respectively, the second and third of five -- and working up my appetite for something more expansive. That'll have to wait, as I am also deep into the rewerite and expansion of my 1990 book ms. We Are Going to Eat You for publisher Harvey Fenton and FAB Press, along with the necessary cataloging of illustration material for that project. I have gathered literally hundreds of illustrations since 1988, when work began on this in-depth analysis of cannibal movies (prompted by my gut-reaction to Cannibal Holocaust, wondering "where the fuck did this come from?"), so that listing process alone has been a fairly major undertaking. Still, given Harvey's track record publishing some of the most lavishly illustrated horror film books of all time, it's worth it! This book will be a corker; it'll also be nice to have this obsession behind me, as I've held on to and been accumulating materials and research for this venture for nigh on 20 years. Soon it will be "Cannibale Addio"...

* With Carl Icahn hammering away at Time Warner -- Icahn, you might recall, actively hammered away at Marvel Comics in his bid to rally stockholders and usurp Ron Perlman in the 1990s -- I can't help but wonder if this might eventually impact upon DC Comics. In a related development, yesterday's New York Times reported the pending sale of Time Warner's book division; again, that prompts me to wonder how this might impact on DC, if at all. The value of DC's licenses and lucrative boxoffice yield and potential of DC properties for Warner Bros. film division may provide all the shelter necessary; time will tell.

O my friends -- and we are all friends, sharing as we are yours and mine the incredible, but very near, future! -- it is time once again for that child of Indiana Criswell to spellbind us all with another of his uncanny predictions:

"I Predict... that England will solve her growing welfare problem by paying only in scrip, which will not be acceptable for hard liquor, ale or gambling and, any one spending for this, will face charges of treason against the Crown! The scrip will merely be vouchers for exact food, exact clothing and exact amount of rent!