At this time next year, we will be into the first week of a new Presidency. The presidency of George W. Bush, and the terms of the Vice (and that word in this context has never resonated so, since Spiro Agnew's resignation in disgrace) President Cheney and of Condi Rice and all Bush's cronies, will be over at last.
Has any President done so much damage to our country in our lifetimes? Not that I can recall; even President Nixon, in hindsight, seems but the first slide down the slippery slope Bush has gleefully sent us all hurdling down, seemingly impervious himself. The Teflon President.
In the face of disastrous economic straits, he's still intent that he will "make permanent his first-term tax cuts, which are due to expire in 2010," the destination of his first term squandering of our one-time surplus; hasn't he rewarded the wealthy enough? We're back to the Robber Baron era of the late 19th Century, and Bush and Cheney (who has completely redefined the power of the Vice Presidency, as we'll be able to more fully assess after he's gone) happily helped put us here.
We'll see what further damage Bush, Cheney, Rice et al can inflict and exact in their final year, and hope we'll all be here after their exit.
Labels: Condoleezza Rice, President Bush, State of the Union, Vice President Cheney