Lift Off...The splintering of available computer time has begun -- I'll be here erratically at best until next weekend, so I'll come up with a playtime recipe, then back to normal
when I'll return to daily posting and more ambitious rambles.
Art: Sean Morgan and yours truly from "Area Stoned" in Sean's May 2007 anthology comic Capsule: The First Dose, now on sale in the Quechee Antique Mall, dealer #653 booth -- and soon online here!_______________
Man, I miss my kids. All growed up and in their 20s, life a wide road. Happy trails -- Maia, Daniel, love ya!_______________
Had a great breakfast with
Dan yesterday AM, did
Marge and I, and it made my week.
Turns out the band
Danny plays in is indeed on
YouTube with one short number.
Check out "Vipers in the Tires" by the Jeremy Latch Love Always Love Band, recorded June 13th, 2007 at the Brickhouse Community Resource Center, Turners Falls, MA -- the very performance CCS grad and Pizza Wizard creator Sam Gaskin saw/heard and wrote me about.(That's
Dan on the left of the sidewise Brickhouse sign, playing bass.)
The Jeremy Latch Love Always Love Band features Jeremy Latch (voice/guitar), Cory Bratton aka "Corey Mule" (drums), Sam Phillips (guitar), & Daniel Bissette aka "Pretty Danny" (bass). It's described as a "lousy one take shot!," so keep your expectations in check. (PS to Sam: Hey, I helped your Uncle Bill move this morning; we were done by 10 AM. It's a small world.)
Here's the scoop on the Brickhouse Community Resource Center, where the band may appear again sooner than later. Come fall (October), the planned tour will begin; it's still taking shape, but
Dan tells me
The Tinder Box in Brattleboro, VT (on Elliott Street) is the local venue. Others include
Athens, GA, Montreal, Chicago, Philadelphia, Maine and
Rhode Island, and though the band name is still being discussed, the lineup remains
Jeremy Latch (
guitar, clarinet, percussion, voice),
Sam Phillips (
guitar, clarinet, vocals) and
Dan himself (
guitar, percussion, trombone, voice).
If any one has an electric bass they're willing to give up to the band, shout out (post in comments, here).
Yo, Maia Rose, what's happening with you?Being a 21st Century Dad now with high-speed access at last,
Also found my daughter Maia on line -- well, on myspace, with art, music, insights and more -- don't know if it's current (the blog isn't), but still neat space and nice to see.The photo gallery is full of Maia's art, worth a look.Her art show is still up at
Mocha Joe's Cafe on Main Street in
Brattleboro for its final week -- catch it while you can.
Have a great weekend, one and all, and see you here, catch as catch can, this week.
Labels: Brickhouse Community Resource Center, Corey Mule, Daniel Bissette, Jeremy Latch, Jeremy Latch Love Always Love Band, Maia Rose Bissette, Sam Phillips, Sean Morgan