I've been holding off announcing this for some time (in part due to Marvel's inexcusable late payment to yours truly), but it's Halloween week -- and I can't hold off any longer. If you can afford it, pick up a copy of the new Marvel Omnibus: Amazing Fantasy ("The Magazine That Respects Your Intelligence!"), if only to savor my two-page introduction to the Amazing Adventures portion of the collection.
Canada's beloved premiere Steve Ditko expert Blake Bell introduces the Amazing Adult Fantasy half of the tome, which concludes (natch) with the historic Amazing Fantasy #15 debut of Spider-Man. Read for the first time since its publication in the complete context of the Twilight Zone-like comic series Stan Lee and Steve Ditko took such personal pride in, Spider-Man is even more revelatory; if only for that, this omnibus is worth picking up. It ain't cheap -- take the cover shot pictured here and replace the 12-cent price bullet with $75, folks -- but it's part of my bibliography now, so I reckon a plug here is appropo this week.
Better yet, there's new work coming out of The Center for Cartoon Studies. I've savored some great comics and mini-comics this past week from the CCS community -- alumni Josie Whitmore's moving In Which I Think About Drowning, graced with a CD The Small Planets: Bike (music by Josie and Ben Moy); JP Coovert's one-two punch Press Start and companion minicomic And Fight, a beautifully crafted introspective (and playful, in more ways than one) creation; Penina Gal's enigmatic mini Enjoy the Fish, Sam J. Carbaugh's collected works These Things Happen #1 -- all great stuff.
Check 'em out, please!
Page 13 of Dan Archer's 24 Hour Comic from last weekend -- link below!
And that ain't all, folks. It's been a lively week since at CCS and in White River Junction.
As Bryan puts it, "There had to be at least a few hundred people in the parade...and like, three spectators..."
That's what's happening in WRJ: a whole new community on the rise, but we need to build/draw an audience from the wider surrounding communities. It'll happen, in time! Friday night I hosted a Halloween film event at the Main Street Museum, hosted by MSM founder/curator David Fairbanks Ford, and we ended up with a good crowd, half-CCSers, half from the wider community. As I headed home, a music event on Main Street seemed to draw a fair crowd of teenagers and high schoolers. Bit by bit, event by event, the WRJ community is coming together anew...
I've kept tabs with my old stomping grounds down south, too. Let's see, Yankee Nuclear Power remains a center of controversy, my daughter Maia Rose has moved closer to said nuke plant (reckon I didn't show her enough 1950s atomic age mutant movies when she was a wee lass!), and -- well, they're stilling bickering over legislating against public nudity, for whatever that's worth.
Kudos to HomeyM for the updates and the ibrattleboro posts, and here's hoping the Common Ground finds new life in its latest incarnation.
Labels: 24 Hour Comics, Amazing Fantasy, Ben Moy, Blake Bell, Bryan Stone, CCS comics, Common Ground, Dan Archer, Halloween, Josie Whitmore, JP Coovert, Sean Ford, Small Planets, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko