And a beaut of a morning it is, too. Breakfast with my parents coming up before they depart; we've had a great weekend together, and Marge and I feel blessed, with both of 'em in their 80s and still doing well.
A real highlight of the week (the year!) was dining with my parents, Marge and my two now-adult offspring Maia and Daniel Saturday morning, then enjoying breakfast yesterday morning with stepson Mike and his wife Mary yesterday AM. Mike and my Dad really hit it off Saturday night -- Dad used to work as a lineman with Green Mountain Power in the '50s and '60s, Mike is now an electrician -- and it was just a really pleasant family weekend all in all. Life is good.
My bud Joe Citro is dropping by later this week, so after the workload of the past few months, I plan on just kicking back with Joe and savoring the new viewing room and DVD library. Hell, we might even smoke a couple of cigars. Like I said, life is good.
I've got a writing gig deadline coming up, but it's all good. I'll go light with the blog postings this week, as at least a few of you (via comments and emails) cried "uncle!" with the heavy interview schedule of the past two weeks. Breezing this week, promise. Of course, a breezing week with blogger Bissette still kicks the shit out of most candyass one or two paragraph bloggers out there, so enjoy.

Cat and I are enjoying our work being together in Sundays, coming on the heels of our work first being published together in the Trees & Hills and Friends 2006 anthology -- which inevitably leads me to...
OK, two minor MoCCA followups this AM, then on to other things.
* First post-MoCCA report, from CCS senior Sean Ford late last night: "...Sundays sold out early this afternoon, CCS kicked ass, everyone had a pretty awesome time and ... stuff. There's more, but I can report later after I sleep..."
* I'll keep tabs on and post links to purchase venues for all the comics and minicomics I've promoted so shamelessly this past couple of weeks, as they're made available. I'll particularly keep you posted on venues for the books I'm in, natch, as I'll be selling at least a couple of these via my own website.

First to report:
Note that last year's 60-page anthology, Trees & Hills and Friends, is still available for just $3 plus shipping, featuring the first published two-pager by my son Daniel and I. Pick 'em up together, and support this New England comics collective!
Colin Tedford and Daniel Barlow's collective has grown, and that's reflected in the Distro center. Diehard vet NE cartoonists like Marek Bennett (Mimi's Donuts) and my old pal Matt Levin (Walking Man Comics -- which Matt has been doing for over two decades!) are the bedrock, but there's new work from a new generation of cartoonists surfacing there, well worth reading and supporting.

It's one of my new ceramic painting creations, the Zombee Coffee (TM) mugs!
Other than those I make for coffee-addict friends and family this Christmas, these each-one-of-a-kind (I'm hand painting them all) will be rare as hen's teeth. For those of you neither kin nor amigos,
It's a destination item. I've got two of 'em in the booth for sale right now; the Coffee Zombee (TM) pictured above, and this deluxe super-size mug...

So, shit, howdy. That's new Bissette Tyrant work, new Bissette comics work, unique Bissette ceramics horrors you can cozy up to every morning, all in one weekend, and I'm still enjoying my retirement from the comics industry. Life is good.
Labels: Cayetano Cat Garza, Coffee Zombee, Magic Inkwell, MoCCA, Quechee Coffee Zombee, Trees and Hill Comics Group