It's Marjory's birthday tomorrow, but I'm surprising her today with a few goodies -- so, off and on posts today and tomorrow. Wing it, folks. I am.
First off, some early morning links to brighten what's left of your weekend:
And if that's not enough Sunday morn morality for you, take a gander at (not a shot of) these beauties:
A couple of recent blogs I heartily recommend, and why:
If you're hankering for more on the Center for Cartoon Studies experience, and not from this lowly instructor's point-of-view, it's my honor to steer you to first-year students Jon-Mikel Gates & Colleen S. Frakes's excellent new blog,
A peculiarity of the Cowboy Orange design I will point out: at the bottom of the page, the "Next Page" line you click on to access the rest of the blog postings (and they go back three months) is hidden as red text at the base of the orange frame -- look closely, and click. Lots of good reading.
BTW, Jon & Colleen's website awaits you at
Massachusetts-based filmmaking friend Marty Langford has the recent DVD release of the feature film Magdalena's Brain to boast (he produced, co-scripted and edited), but that's just the latest of his many film projects. Ah, OK, if you can't wait, click on
Anyhoot, back to the point. I met Marty years ago and have been lucky enough to be invited to a number of his screenings, always eagerly awaiting the next project and surprise from this prolific talent. Thus far, Marty fesses up to having had hands in the 16mm short The Hidden Alien Blob Thing (1995), the Super16 short The Salesman (2000), and writing the original screenplay for the video feature Collinsville (2002), as well as working to create venues of other regional Massachusetts filmmakers of a similar bent (mind). Along with Magdalena's Brain and the less-satisfying exprience with Collinsville, Marty as another half-dozen or more completed scripts he's written or co-authored, and another project underway as I write this.
Don't take my word for it. What the hell -- Magdalena has a brain, and now
More later today...