Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Bissette Blathers On: Interview online!

Among the items I hoped to post while away is this, which went online yesterday (12/26/05) -- so, one day late, but still, it's there.

The good & gracious Land of Frost inhabitant Alex Ness interviewed yours truly at length, and it all awaits you at
  • Pop Thought Pops Bissette!

  • Here's hoping all is going well for you, Alex. Send some good vibes his way, people, he can use it!

    Enjoy, and more later...
    Hello, Blogosphere! Back from the road, 12/27...

    Hope you all had a most Merry Christmas, and are enjoying a fine stretch of holi-daze and days.

    I've been away for a few days and unable to access computers (a rather blissful state, actually) for a time, so I've got considerable 'catch-up' to do today, including posting my in-progress 'think piece' on King Kong. When I was able to get (briefly) online, it was impossible to link to my blog (due to the archaic old computers in reach), so it went, so it goes.

    More later, with multiple daily posts in the coming day or two to get everything caught up and back in gear. See you here, soon!