Ever since the demise of The Kingdom (which crashed and burned with all hands on deck not once, but twice), where I hosted a fairly lively discussion board dubbed The Swamp, I've had repeated offers from generous folks (mainly ex-Swamp posters) offering to launch a blog for me. But my frustrations with online environments and long-distance attempts to maintain on online presence (beginning with Edge Marketing and what proved for me a costly and maladroit attempt at a Tyrant site in the mid-1990s) kept me shopping for someone locally to work with -- and bless her, Jane's the one. Thank you, Jane!
So -- Blog problems resolved. Apologies for the speed-bump at the end of my first week, but I'm still getting the hang of this new-fangled gadget.
I'll be doing some edit and damage control on the most recent posts this morning, thanks to Jane's Absolute Solution, and get the multi-chapter ramble (it's not really a proper rant) up and running by this afternoon.
Labels: Absolute Computing Solutions, Jane Wilde, The Kingdom, The Swamp