Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Another Link

My Montreal contact (among many) Richard Gagnon generously sent the following link, noting I'm "being used as an example in this essay (positively, I might add)" -- click on over to
  • The Essay
  • and see what you think. Thanks, Richard...

    In his online essay, writer Kevin Colden writes:

    "I believe that an artist has to learn their craft, and they have an obligation to work to the best of their ability as often as possible. Many indie artists seemingly eschew learning traditional craft at all, seeking rather to experiment than to present a clear, clean story and be perceived as "boring". Similarly, many mainstream artists learn only established craft and apply it, creating overall clarity, but leading to many comics looking cookie-cutter. There is a middle ground somewhere, and I think finding that place is a noble goal indeed. Someday we'll get there, but it will take an overall strengthening of industry sales to allow us to really flex our creative muscles."

    He goes on to cite the collaborative efforts of Alan Moore, myself, John Totleben, Rick Veitch and our stellar Swamp Thing colorist Tatjana Wood (one of the real masters in the day) as an example of "a masterful juxtaposition of words and pictures, neither one overpowering the other," which is of course the synthesis Alan, John, Rick, Tatjana and I worked so hard to achieve.

    Thanks for the kind words, Kevin, and appreciate your recognizing and articulating our best efforts in the context of your broader point... which, by the way, succinctly addresses some of the primary factors of 21st Century comics my friend John Totleben cited in conversation last year as his reasons for leaving the industry at last.


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