Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Short Stuff

Having soared through yesterday on just three hours sleep, I crashed early last night and slept almost 12 hours. Whew! Feeling well rested this AM!

We had a great first day for the workshop; started a bit slow, but by the afternoon I think most of the students were feeling their sea legs and we were cruising. Over a half dozen (of 18) showed up last night to construct the cardboard city for today's morning exercise, and that was fun -- I was there for about half of it, but too pooped to participate fully, though we enjoyed conversation as the construction excellerated (two heliports!).

Day Two of the CCS summer workshop ahead, and no time to post this morning, save for this -- so, have a great Tuesday, and I'll try to make up for it tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7/10/2007

    Yeah, only 12 hours. I could do 12 hours in my sleep. Wait, that doesn't work...

    By the way, a link you might be interested in:


  2. I sometimes do that after a long day of hiking or backpacking.

    You obviously earned the 12 hours of sleep.

  3. Zzzzzzzzzzzz -- snork, snukt!

    Hey, I'm up now!
