Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Deck the Halls --

Well, actually, Deck the Deck. This morning at 6:30, work began on Marge's outdoor screened-in porch, constructed on the house's back deck. This has been Marge's key construction project for our new Windsor home, as work continues on my basement library/office through July and August. We're here, but we're getting there.

Lightning and thunderstorms hammered our neck of New England all day yesterday; at one point, the rain was coming down so hard, the CCS summer workshop students broke from drawing and dashed to the front of the CCS Colodny Building to watch the spectacle of the downpour. By the time I headed home for dinner, a fire hose was dangling from the flat roof of the venerable Coolidge Hotel across the street, drooped down over two stories and spurting water in rhythmic bursts, like an artery. Hartland, betwixt White River Junction (home of CCS) and our home in Windsor, suffered heavy wind, hail and lightning damage, splintering trees, downing power poles and lines, and basically trashing the burg. Luckily, no one was hurt.

We're still resetting clocks and checking the damage around our digs. So far, a little water in the basement (nothing of consequence, and nothing structurally wrong) and swelling of the front door frame seems to be the only issues here -- we've lucked out thus far. More storms are predicted for today, with sunny weather tomorrow, and a respite.

The big local news is Springfield, VT winning 20th Century Fox's Simpsons movie premiere competition, beating out Springfield IL (second place) and my pal Marty Langford & his crew, who produced a corker short campaigning for Springfield MA (placing fourth) -- hmmmm, did Senator Kennedy's appearance and email for votes help -- or hinder?

Off to CCS for day three of the summer comics creation workshop. Having laid the groundwork, we're going great guns into making comics all day long, with Robyn Chapman supervising the hands-on production & publication of the comic itself tomorrow. Wish us all luck!

Have a great Wednesday, one and all.


  1. Ow. Water in the basement! Hope it was only a once in a hundred years kind of thing.

    In the meantime, have you seen this?

  2. I am one of 200 volunteers who appeared in the winning Simpsons Springfield Vermont video. After we helped our local Chamber of Commerce win the contest, they turned their backs on us. We should have been the first in town to be receive invitations to the world premiere but the elite in town were the local invited guests instead. And then not even a word of thanks or mention of us in the public ceremony outside the theater! Read more and view our famous winning video now at our new website:
    The Simpsons Springfield Vermont
