Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New Magic at The Magic Inkwell!

I meant to post this news yesterday --
  • cartoonist Cayetano "Cat" Garza has just this week relaunched his new website and venerable online comics career (over a decade!) with a brand-new online strip, The Comic Adventures of Dingbat the Cat!

  • This is tremendous news, and I'm happy to mention this new activity is due, in part, to Cat's association with the CCS community and yours truly (as my new website and computer guru).

    Cat and I are into our own interview back-and-forth, soon to be posted here, and he also contributed a very cool one-pager to
  • the Sundays anthology -- which in turn led to my doing a one-pager Tyrant piece for the now-54-page collective.

  • Kudos to Cat, for all this and more -- and read on -- today's CCS/MoCCA interview follows!

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