Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Morning Amid MoCCA Mania...

Jon-Mikel Gates's cover art for the I Know Joe Kimpel catalogue, debuting at MoCCA on Saturday. BTW, that's a spot-on rendition of CCS's Colodny classroom, and all the Joe Kimpel crew!

The MoCCA mania continues, with the first wave of CCSers heading south to NYC today while others scramble on their respective projects. It's a heady couple of days ahead, all cresting when MoCCA opens its doors on June 23.

Among the drama is some unfortunate trauma: Sean Morgan, whose anthology Capsule debuts at MoCCA (featuring the story "Area Stoned" with uncanny alien art by Sean and yours truly), broke his left hand Monday night! Man, talk about crap timing!

Still, Sean shoulders on -- fortunately, he's right-handed (actually, he says, ambidexterous), and he's wrapping up work on Capsule today and getting it to the printer in the nick of time. If all goes well, Sean will be at MoCCA with comic, cooler (his cast has an attachment to a cooler to circulate cold water through the cast to keep swelling down) and his usual cool, and be kind to him when you see him, folks. Oh, and buy a copy of Capsule, natch.

The first Tyrant page in a decade, awaiting scanning last Friday night -- debuting in Sundays on, uh, Saturday. Don't miss it!

OK, interview to follow later today -- just wanted to be sure to get this quick update online this AM as early as possible.

En route to his pending veto of yet another stem-research bill, President Bush says it's "immoral" to use tax funding to "destroy human life..." What the fuck is the Iraq War??


  1. New Tyrant page! When do we see a good scan of it...when? When?


  2. You want to see/read it, you gotta buy a copy of SUNDAYS. Why do you think I did the page for the book?

    I will, however, post a panel or two -- such as the panels are in a freeform layout -- this weekend; again, just to whet the appetite for the book as a whole.

    I know the digital era has one craving instantaneous gratification, but this series of posts and interviews is all about getting MYRANT readers up for buying, reading the comics by the CCSers. It's shameless ballyhoo, yes, but hopefully it's been good reading with ample eye candy, too!

  3. PS: I've also posted links for online purchases with every interview. Though it's MoCCA as a venue we're promoting, we're also well aware that only a select few of the readers of this blog will be able to attend. Still, that's the venue -- but I am posting online sources, and I urging CCSers to followup with online venues for the many great comics debuting at MoCCA. I'll post this links here, too!

  4. Guess I'll be buying it. What are the chances of getting a signed edition?


  5. Anonymous6/20/2007

    Is there any art on that Tyrant page, or is it all just more prose than even McGregor or I tried to get onto something?

  6. Is there a CCS store (not on-line!) at White River where someone like me could actually leaf through the students' books, etc.

  7. Mark -- I'm trying to arrange for just that, for sale via my site and/or a Sundays retail site.

    Steve -- Heh, LOTS of text there, eh? Good eye, script-lad. I'll email you about it. I should have spread it over two pages, but I only had a one-page slot, so I made due.

    Mike -- That's what the Quechee Gorge Village Antique Mall booth I write up weekly is all about! Or haven't you been paying attention?

    BTW -- the Antique Mall is only 5 miles from downtown WRJ (CCS), heading west on Route 4 -- very easy to find, on the main road that cuts midstate through VT. It's open 10 AM to 5 PM daily, and most of the CCS comics and cartoonists's work be there for sale, most of them signed. It's the only dedicated retail space for CCS and Bissette collectibles and comics -- more info on the booth (with photos!) next week, including shots of the Zombee Coffee mugs.

    (PS: We drove by it en route to the All Things Scottish store Marge and I took you and Mary to last month. Next time, we'll visit the Antique Mall, too!)

  8. Mike, I'll pick you up on the way and we'll clean out Steve's section of the Antique Market.


  9. Go for it, guys! I've got plenty of new stuff to stock -- and no more room for it yet.

    BTW, Mike, note today's (Thursday) post and interview with JP Coovert -- the links to One Percent features previews of the comics, so you can read a few pages before buying.
