Sunday, May 13, 2007

We're Not Quite Done Yet, and Already We're Nostalgic:
The Infection of Time, Or,
A Sunday Morning Peek at
Joe Lambert's CCS Photos --

As I spend the weekend pouring over an incredible array of final thesis projects from the Center for Cartoon Studies seniors and gifts of final projects from most of the CCS freshmen (soon to be seniors!), I'm moved to steer you to
  • Joe Lambert's pix of the May 2nd CCS Drawing Workshop session in my new backyard,

  • which was immediately followed that very afternoon with a drawing session from this miniature city we had constructed the week before -- a whirlwind of activity Joe has also documented via pix (scroll down to Joe's "Box City" photo album posting).

  • Left: Morgan Piellizilla. Hey, we still have to 'Godzilla' the city, guys and gal!

  • All of Joe's pix illuminate this old Myrant post on a recent Drawing Workshop exercise, if you want more context --
  • -- and although we're only two days past the completion of final projects (for both classes), I'm already revisiting and working on revised Drawing Workshop syllabus outlines to streamline and improve the whole two-semester effort for next year. Sigh. So little time, so much to draw and teach.

  • Joe's blog is always worth a visit, currently opening with photos from the CCS trip to Montreal (including a peek inside the Drawn & Quarterly offices, for those curious about that megalithic corporate universe) and other CCS activities. Thanks, Joe!
  • (More CCS in Montreal pix are here, compliments of fellow freshmen Penina Gal. Thanks, Penina!)

  • Here's a link to a venue for some of Joe's comics, too, which are -- well, excellent.
  • (Fair is fair: since I'm linking in thanks to Joe's sites, Penina's fine illos and comics creations are also visible here, and they're pretty damned good, too.)

  • Now, before I get into today's intensive reading, re-reading and note-taking from the thesis projects, I'm off to the flea market -- yep, it's that time of year.

    Clear, sunny, but cold -- ah, flea market season in a new part of Vermont. What wonders await me?

    Have a great Sunday, one and all --


    1. I know I'm a day late, but I just saw Martyr Mouse on TV! You seen that yet? Palestinian Mickey Mouse rip-off on some children's show encouraging kids to fight and win, defeat the Jews and Americans! The best part is when he says "We will win, Bush! We will win, Olmert! We will win, Condoleezza!" He actually calls my dear sweet Condi by name! Then he and the kids all cheer for world leadership under Muslim rule. Martyr Mouse pretends he's firing an AK-47 and throwing grenades! It's so cool!

      Pray for them! I know you're not super-religious, but pray they put an end to the most dangerous cyborg in the world's reign of terror. They did not call Cheney by name, at least not in the part I saw. They are probably too terrified to speak his name, but you know they are thinking it.

      I saw it on Fox News, so I thought it might be a lie. But here's a BBC report I found on youtube

      Peace Train, Holy Roller, Climb on the Peace Train!

      ps - that wind sculpture thing was awesome!

    2. Hey, Martyr Mouse was in the news everywhere last week -- I followed that story with some AIR PIRATES-fueled interest, natch, but decided not to post on it since everyone seemed to know about it (even our local paper, The Valley News, covered the story).

    3. Anonymous12/02/2008

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    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Anonymous9/28/2009

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    6. This is a very old movies "Paul Verhoeven's new film Zwartboek/Black Book " the concept ia actual.
      I will post to my Facebook wall
