Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday. Stuff.

  • Hey, Look, Mom! I'm in the Christian Science Monitor! Nifty article and pix on our beloved Center for Cartoon Studies,
  • link compliments of Rutland Herald reporter, Trees & Hills Comics group co-founder, and all-around swell guy Dan Barlow. Hey, Dan, and thanks.

  • And if you didn't get to check this out earlier this week when I posted it, here's Indie Spinner Rack's interminable interview with yours truly. C'mon, it's the weekend -- you've got time now, don'tcha?

  • John Totleben hisself send this link, exclaiming, "Check this out -- pretty freakin' wild!" and whatdyaknow, it sure is!

  • Meanwhile, back on Earth, the Most Dangerous Cyborg in the World continues to spread doubt, discord, distress and terror in the Middle East...

  • Have a Great Saturday!


    1. You're a saint, Mr. Bissette.

      Or maybe just a very nice person.

    2. J.T. was absolutely correct...freakin' wild!


    3. that link is a total trip. have you ever seen the mechanical mirrors of daniel rozin?
