Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday Morning...

...have a great one!

I think this is a real stained glass window photo from a real church, but who knows. Sent to me by Tim 'Doc Ersatz' Viereck, from who'll you'll be hearing much more this week!

Have a fine Sunday, folks...


  1. I know -- creepy, in't it?

  2. That can't be for real.

    But it seems quite a suitable reflection of the evil we call religion.

  3. Anonymous5/21/2007

    I don't know if the window is real, but it's real enough to have appeared in a movie or television program I've seen before. Since it was used ironically, it could have been prepared especially for the film or program. It could also be authentic.

  4. Anonymous10/21/2008

    I fail to see the 'creepiness' in this window, obviously found in a Catholic church.

    Please explain, SR Bissette - what is creepy in this?

  5. Oh, Anonymousdom, recreate the positions in the privacy of your own home and report back to us.

  6. Anonymous10/25/2008

    re-create what positions? kneeling?
