Sunday, May 20, 2007

Second Bissette Blog Post Theft in a Week!

This just in from Rick Veitch:

  • The second Myrant blog post theft in a week!

  • What's going on?

    Hey, Myrant readers, post a comment on these thieving blogs -- and let's see if we can curb this internet cybertheft ASAP.

    I've also got a request in to a couple of my friends to see if we can protect the blog from this kind of 'sample blog post' theft activity from this end... word is this might be 'blog bot' action, randomly plucking from blogs (to what end?).

    Weird. This is really, really weird.


    1. Anonymous5/22/2007

      Well, it looks like the other blog is down now. Wordpress is pretty good about stopping spam and scraper blogs so I'm not shocked that they handled it swiftly.

      Without looking at it myself, I can't say for certain if it was a bot or not, but it is very likely.

      As for ways to prevent that, there isn't much you can do. Since you use Blogspot, you don't have much control over your feed. You can truncate it and limit the amount they take, but you can't blacklist, cloak or do anything else.

      To do that, you would need to host your own site, probably with a Wordpress blog.

      Sadly, there just isn't that much else that can be done.

      Hope that this helps!

    2. Thanks -- it's all down from the 'stealer' sites now, having alerted someone somewhere to the fact they'd broken copyright rules. So it goes!

      Of course, I (like every comic blog/site on the planet) regularly run comics covers, etc. on my site, but I've discussed this fairly extensively with a couple of attornies, and it all falls comfortably within fair use laws -- as long as I'm not running a complete comic or story that isn't my own work, or that I haven't cleared permission to run. I'm careful to excerpt and/or quote news items, always with credit and almost always with live links, not claiming anything as my own that isn't my own work.
