Meet the CCSers!
(First in a Series)
in Stowe, VT was a real treat (see yesterday's post for links, info). It's definitely the most expansive and
comprehensive collection of Green Mountain cartoonists to date, and the gallery has given the major
portion of their opulent spread to this selection of work. Don't miss this show!
More info, photos, the coming weeks, for sure.
I meant to post links to the various Center for Cartoon Studies student sites some time ago, but the vagaries of dial-up-only access in my prior Marlboro digs and the complications of the past couple of months (the move!) kept me from seeing to it.
With the permission of those listed, here's a snapshot of just some of the students cooking up a whole new generation's worth of trouble in the inky universe!
In no particular order, here's today's lineup:

and beats its chest in the night,
wielding all that is and can be carved
from that which can only be called

beneath & beyond
the realm of that
which has been
spawned by

All that is both
Holy and Unholy,
tearing holes in the
very fabric of reality
with mere paper clips
and permutations
from the ashes of Pompeii,
erupting from

that claims all that is
not its own as its own,
consuming the rubble of
the Box that Ate Everything
That the Bag Ate
and more, more, insatiably more
as YOU flee
the unslakeable
appetites that rule...

Erupting from
unimaginable realms
of the Unspeakable
and Unspoken,
the Unseen
and Unheard,
the Irrepressible
and the
More tomorrah,
including my movie viewing tips
(Pan's Labyrinth, etc.)
plus pix of the new Bissette digs
(the viewing room carpentry is done at last!)
... and more!
Labels: Andrew Arnold, CCS student links, Colleen Frakes, Dane Martin, Joe Lambert, Jon-Mikel Gates, Morgan Pielli
Wow. You have some talented folk there!
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