Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sunday, Ketchup Sunday...

Ketchup time!

* Though I'm hardly the world's greatest Barry Windsor Smith fan, I do love his work, and happily jumped at acknowledging one of my fave Smith comics delights when Alan David Doane invited me to offer something to his current preview of
  • BWS's new project.
  • Make the leap over there; see what I had to say, and savor the BWS art preview!

    * Al Nickerson, bless him, is continuing to post the exchange of letters concerning the Creator Bill of Rights, and Dave Sim's latest neatly summarizes a few of the key issues and brings the 2005 conversation to a neat juncture. It's waiting for you at
  • The Great Creator Bill of Rights Debate.
  • Dave comments on my own blog posts right here, as well as on issues and letters relevent to (or from) Tundra, Neal Adams, Alan Moore, and Gary Reed, and it's worth a read.

    Al also accelerates the process by posting
  • A Proposed Contract for Creators who wish to work with Other Creators.
  • This particular document is, according to Al, a verbatim post of the "Kenmore and Nihilist-Man team-up contract," reflecting his own efforts to apply the principles of the Creator Bill of Rights to his own non-work-for-hire collaborative efforts.

    The intent now, for 2006, is for this exchange to yield a number of 'boilerplate contracts' that Dave, Al and others are proposing as viable templates and/or alternatives to the 21st Century status quo the environment currently seems to be settled into. For this process to yield anything of value, the active participation of more than the few thus far involved would be invaluable, if members of the standing comics community have the werewithal to do so.

    More on this later today and tomorrow...


    Blogger Mark Martin said...

    Yeah but

    - did that guy definitely say you are unpatriotic?

    - NAMES! Who said that???

    - why is it OK for you to forbid us from telling you we are "American"?

    OK, I'm gonna go look at that Creators Rights thing but I gotta tell ya - if it's like the last one AYE CARAMBA!!!

    Blogger SRBissette said...

    Ah, go soak yer head. I've said all I'm gonna say and I said it and that's that.


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