Monday, March 17, 2008

Trailers, Taboo, Grimes

  • More great trailers are up on Trailers From Hell!

  • Let's see, there's juicy vintage previews to John Frankenheimer's 1966 sf gem Seconds, Peter Brooks's brilliant Lord of the Flies (1963), Albert Zugsmith's definitive '50s paranoia epic Invasion USA, Don Siegel's stunning fusion of Ambrose Bierce and sexual Southern Gothic The Beguiled (1971), the body-count creative-killing subgenre wellspring Horrors of the Black Museum (1959) and the long-forgotten but still grand Spanish classic La Residencia/The House That Screamed (1970). The latter is among my personal favorites and came to mind yesterday when I finally got to see The Orphanage (2007) on the big screen, a film that carries the aesthetic of La Residencia into the 21st Century with style.

    Taboo 5 cover by Jeff Jones

    Taboo Backstock Waning... Don't Wait!

  • Here's your 2008 wake-up call that my back issue stock of Taboo is dwindling -- click on my site, and go to 'Store' for listings and current prices.

  • Taboo 6 (with the only published chapter in any venue of Neil Gaiman and Michael Zulli's Sweeney Todd) has been out of print and sold out since late 2006, and other issues will be gone for good in 2008, so don't dawdle if you're at all interested.

    Cat and I will be finally installing PayPal ordering facilities to the site by April; for now, a peek at the site for choice and pricing, an email to me via and a little back-and-forth to complete your order is the procedure, but that'll be streamlined and push-button easy on the site itself soon.

    This weekend, Taboo and Rick Grimes fan Ryan Heslin contacted me about Grimes's work in Taboo;
  • here's one of Ryan's fan sites (for musician Tymon Dogg), and he's intent upon doing the same for Rick Grimes's comics.
  • Will keep you posted, and overjoyed that Grimes will at last earn the long-deserved attention he and his unique comics creations deserve.

    Have a manic Monday...

    1 comment:

    1. Anonymous5/14/2008

      Of all the "artists" in the whole goddamn world, Rick Grimes has got to be the most underrated.

      - Namey
