Tuesday, February 19, 2008

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things...

...well, today, anyway. For you, a few diversions to brighten your Tuesday AM. Well, except for the last one. That won't brighten anyone's Tuesday, save for bovine sadists.

  • Fave new blog: Rick Veitch's all-art, all-visuals blog,
  • which includes a 50th birthday card for amigo John Totleben (Happy Birthday, John -- yep, he made the half-century mark the rest of us passed years ago) and info and art from Heartburst, soon in stores!

  • Fave new paleo find that I wish I could tie into Tyrant (wrong continent): Devil Toad.
  • Will anyone at Marvel Comics be sharp enough to see the instant possibilities for a certain red dino hero, or are they too hung-up on making the Hulk red like N-Man?

  • Fave conspiracy of my lifetime, revived with what might be a few pages from a Larry Buchanan film (The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald -- go ahead, look it up!).
  • No wonder Buchanan switched gears to less controversial fare like Mars Needs Women and It's Alive! (1968) and remaking old AIP scripts.

  • Fave reminder why I don't eat beef, and how attentive our agencies are to the pending US mad cow crisis.
  • Not for the squeamish, folks.

    Tempted on a Tuesday --


    1. Ate salmon tonight. Yeah, I know. Everything you eat (just about) has its problems. But I have a number of vegetarian pals who seem to get on just fine without meat. Plus, they look great and their health seems to be top-notch.

      I saw some of the beef thing on the internet. Hideous. My wife and I talked over getting beef and pork out of our diets. Might keep poultry and fish and eggs in for a while and then try going 100% vegetarian for a bit and see how it works out for us.

      Veitch's blog is quite pretty to look at, for sure.

    2. Lurved the link to Rick's blog, thanks Steve.

      I am in love with the devil-toad, I wonder if they can bring it back.

      I eat Brazilian beef, the bestest cleanest and most humanely killed in the world, just show nme a bbq and a plate of sirloin and I'm off baby!

    3. Saw the cows on ABC News Monday night. Apparently, the failing bis that tyhe USDA guy on the scene was SO predicttable they ould hide it from him. Dio YOU have confidence that this was an "isolated incident"? Not I.

    4. Not I, either, Roger. Our meat/food in the US is polluted, and it's clearly out of control -- thanks to the complete lack of controls/inspection/inspectors, which lands this squarely on the shoulders of the Republican determination to neuter those measures to protect our food supply.

      I tell you, it's beyond me how anyone can any longer brook the GOP claims to 'protect America.' We had plentiful warning on Mad Cow disease; had the opportunity to respond effectively when it first emerged in North American cattle. The 'free market' insanity and grim determination to deregulate all industries for profit-uber-alle has brought us inevitably to this.

      Eat beef at your own risk, folks. It's your brain.
