Friday, January 18, 2008


  • Check it out.

    1. Explosions are cool.

      I still think grafitti is an offensive eyesore. But I can recall an era of my youth when anarchy and grunge and filth were cool. So I guess I can kinda relate.

      I don't think grafitti is as offensive as torching cars or robbing and raping. And at least they just tagged all over their own skate park, and not my little town square.

      Kids rock, man.

      Can you tell I have a few minutes to kill this morning?

      OK, see ya.

    2. WTF? Your link led me to a "Dating in Cincinnati" site!

    3. Here it is again, Tim:

    4. I'd love to know how many of those skaters crapped themselves when the explosive went off. It sure looked like a few were injured.

      Our very own Jabberous Man could skate circles around all of them except for his injured toe which is keeping him off of the Pro Circuit.
