Sunday, December 16, 2007


  • Why, yes it is --
  • -- and we've already got 4 inches+ of snow here at 10 AM. It's supposed to turn to shit -- excuse me, "wintery mix", meaning snow, sleet, freezing rain and heavy winds -- for its final 4-9 inches (!) later today or tonight, so Marge and I planned the whole weekend around not leaving the house once today, except to wander outside in our boots and savor the storm knowing there's a warm house and two cats to return to.

    Stay warm, comfy and secure today and tonight, one and all; enjoy the snow, as best you can.

  • I've held off until today to post a link to the delicious ongoing "Favorite DVDs of 2007" lists Tim Lucas has been posting over at the Video Watchblog -- but here it is, because my list will be up later today!

  • Yep, my own "Baker's Dozen" list of favorite (not best, mind you, favorite) DVDs of the year will be online later today, exclusively at the Watchblog, along with hail and hearty Kim Newman's own picks for pix available outside of Region 1 (US) markets.

    Already on the Watchblog are the 'favorite DVD' lists of fellow Video Watchdog contributors Sam and Rebecca Umland, Shane M. Dallmann, Richard Harland Smith, David Kalat, Sheldon Inkol, Bill Cooke and Jazzy John Charles, and they're all worth a read, if only to cobble together your own 'favorite,' 'must see' or 'must have' list for the New Year.

    I'll be accompanying my Watchblog list with two Myrant 'Favorite DVD' lists this week: Favorite Animation DVDs of 2007, and Favorite Series DVDs of 2007 -- all I couldn't fit into my Watchblog Baker's Dozen (though I make mention of all, sneaky piker that I am).

  • I've earned my spot in Shadows Over New England, the upcoming book from Scott Goudsward & David Goudsward.

  • If I can lay hands on some of my Green Mountain Cinema files from my old computer (a dubious proposition made more possible thanks to considerable and sorely-needed aid last weekend from Jon-Mikel Gates), I'll be sending David more info on horror films made in my native state -- but in any case, keep an eye out for the spring release of their book, folks.

    Which brings me to what I should be doing today -- back to the Neil Gaiman Companion project. I poured all I had into it the last two days, enjoyed an afternoon 'catch-up' phone chat with my old amigo Charles Vess yesterday, and will continue to work and chip away on my part of the book (and revision/addition/correction suggestions to the chapter co-authors Hank Wagner and Chris Golden may steer my way) today and tomorrow before engaging all cylinders with our final week of the semester at the Center for Cartoon Studies. A heady week ahead, plus -- my son Daniel's 22nd birthday!

    Have a Safe Sunday, all...


    1. I've only seen DUCK, YOU SUCKER one time. On VHS, as I recall. An amazing film. My favorite line is from the character (Juan Miranda) played by Rod Steiger. He'd gotten caught up in the revolution and the government soldiers had killed his children and he stood there counting them: "Fourteen. I have never counted them before." Sad on a hideous level. (It may have been "seventeen"--I don't remember.)

      I suppose that, ultimately, the film has a message of hopelessness, but my revolutionary tendencies like to think of it as promoting the good fights.

    2. Hey Steve!
      Thanks for visiting Marco's blog! I'm sorry you can't enjoy the short films there posted because in Italian...
      Talk to you soon!

    3. DUCK YOU SUCKER is among my all-time favorite films, and it's been heartbreaking how mangled and botched its been in every release since it played theatrically in the early '70s.

      Best of all, the new DVD release RESTORES the real ending: Juan (Steiger)'s plaintive "what about me?," answered by the scroll up of the film's English title -- as if John (Coburn) were answering one more time -- a great "last line" forever botched by the replacement title, A FISTFUL OF DYNAMITE, rendering Leone's tragicomic ending blown.

      This doesn't render the film hopeless: to me, Leone's saga relates that human nature will always undo any genuine revolution, as the inevitable self-interests, corruption and pressure from greater powers assert themselves and crush opposition and ideals. It's cyclical, and I've now lived long enough to experience this personally -- as in comics, my friends -- but still, we soldier on. For me, investing in the next generation of cartoonists/creators is the best I can do at this point in life, and via this, viva la revolution!
