Monday, November 05, 2007

-- Interlude --

Check out yesterday's post -- which stands as today's substantial post (part 2 of the essay tomorrow, folks), since it was posted so late in the day yesterday.

However, just a note: my son Daniel called at 7 AM this morning from the car he'd been sleeping in. Dan and his Mooneye compatriots Sam Phillips and founder Jeremy Latch were catching zzzzzzs outside of Louisville, KY. They're doing fine and have had a great trip thus far. Among the highlights was their Asheville, North Carolina venue playing for 200 people (biggest crowd yet outside of their local Brattleboro, VT gigs) and three glorious days spent with
  • Laura Carter (who plays on the Neutral Milk Hotel CDs Dan turned me on to recently, but I see she's also part of Elf Power)
  • in Athens, GA. They savored the 150 acres at the Orange Twin Conservation community and their time there (it used to be a Girl Scout camp, now converted to musician's paradise); they'd met Laura in Brattleboro earlier this year, and had been invited to visit.

    OK, enough on that -- Mooneye is on to Bloomington, Indiana later today, and I hope to see Dan in time for Thanksgiving with Marge and me and family here in Windsor later this month.

    Mooneye factoids: The mooneye is a medium-sized fresh-water fish (11 to 15 inches in length, 1-2 pounds ) with a silvery, almost flat slab-sided body. This fish's name is attributed to its big ol' reflective eyes, which enable 'em to see at low light levels; note that its teeth bristle from the tongue and roof of the mouth. They used to frequent large streams, rivers and lakes, including lakes Erie and Ontario, but the only population of mooneye in NY and VT resides in Lake Champlain and is dwindling.

    Hey, they're predicting snow in the north country hereabouts tomorrow.

    Have a mad Monday, Bunkie!

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