Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Tonight's the night I get to see/hear Mooneye -- Jeremy Latch, Sam Phillips and my son Dan Bissette -- at last. Marge and I will be there!

I'll be getting the scoop on their upcoming schedule later today. Marge is feeding the lads jambalaya tonight before the performance, making sure they've packed on some pounds before packing the museum with sound. Thereafter, they're off to Burlington, VT for more adventures and music-making.

Yesterday's Myrant post (see below) has the most info, linx and pix I can offer just now, and here's David Fairbanks Ford's announcement circulating the White River Junction community:

Mooneye will be splattered all over the museum stage tonight from 8 to 11pm

it'll be a night of great music and more

free to all, but a hat will be passed for the band!

join us!

main street museum 58 bridge street white river junction, downtown
rio blanco, vermont

"may it please you" --the management

The Tinder Box Rox: Sam Phillips (member of Mooneye) is among the folks that co-founded and keeps the Brattleboro-based Tinder Box space rocking!

Sam Phillips, Tinder Box, Elliott Street, Brattleboro -- one of the spaces in which Sam and his Mooneye compadres make music, magic and madness

We're starting to hear a bit about SPX here in Rio Blanco from the CCSers home from the show, but
  • the first public post from our cartooning community has just been posted by Trees & Hills co-founder Daniel Barlow, which you can read here.

  • Heck, I still don't know how Dead Man's Hand did, sales-wise or other-wise...

    Have a great Tuesday, you know I will...

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