Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Congrats, Lauren!
CCS Grad Online Animation Now Editors Choice on Slate.com

Hey, dig it: CCS pioneer class graduate Lauren O'Connell (whose thesis project/comic Strays was a real gem and heartbreaker) completed
  • the illustrations for a bit of animation for an amigo, animated by her friend for this site, which you can view by clicking on this link (careful -- I couldn't load it on my home computer, but screened it at CCS's higher-end systems. If you can safely access it -- Enjoy!)

  • The animation, entitled "Help, I Hate My Boyfriend's Dog" is a treat.

    And this morning at about 1:35 AM, Lauren posted the news that "the video was picked as the editors choice for on slate.com!"

    For some reason, its appearance on Slate.com (scroll down to the mid-screen pic "Slate V: Dear Prudence: The Dog" today) plays fine on my system, so
  • here's the direct link to Slate V -- Lauren and friend's "Dear Prudence: The Dog" is in the "Also at Slate" menu at the right. Enjoy!

  • Congrats to you and your friend, Lauren, and way to knock one out of the park!

    Tuesday Post-MoCCA Post

    I'm hosting an impromptu post-MoCCA CCS BBQ at Hacienda Bissettios this afternoon, so I'll know more soon, but I figured it was fair to share with y'all what little I've heard about the CCS experience in the Big Apple this past weekend.

    Post-MoCCA reports are trickling in. Concerning the anthology Sundays (which, appropriately enough, sold out midday on Sunday), proud poppa James Sturm wrote, "...I was only there Saturday and from what I saw Sundays was certainly one of the 'Buzz books' of the show. I had folks taking it out of their bags and asking me, 'have you seen this yet?'"

    Sundays co-creator/co-editor Chuck Forsman writes, "...I think I speak for everyone in saying the show went incredibly well. I know at the Sundays table we were doing steady business all weekend except towards the end of Sunday after we sold out of Sundays. We did sell a lot of other books too. Our work has only just begun. Since we are all out of Sundays we gotta make more! so you may see us doing it again this week...."

    This workload includes my standing order for 100 copies to sell via my website, which may not happen until later in the summer due to ye Sundays editors busy summer schedules and travel. Hey, these folks have lives, you know!

    Chuck continues, "I don't want to speak for One Percent Press, but from where I was sitting, it seemed like they had an awesome show as well." One Percent Press, natch, is JP Coovert and friends's venue (see JP's interview here, last week).

    Hopefully, we'll hear from more CCSers soon about their MoCCA experience.

    You'll hear more later from me on who-knows-what tomorrow. Have a great Tuesday, one and all...


    1. Hi Steve

      Jon Ayre here (one of the AccentUK Zombies contributors). I'm interested to know how the Zombies anthology went down at MoCCA? Any news? Enjoy the BBQ! (It's raining here - again...)

      Jon A

    2. You'll die out there.

    3. Mark, quoting THE EXORCIST?

      Jon, sales were modest -- I sent 20 copies, all signed, to the show, with one of the ZOMBIES contributors there at the table at least part of the time -- but only 6 sold (and a couple traded). Still, it had a US debut at a major indie show, so it's day in the sun has arrived!

      I'll be selling it via my site and at Quechee. We'll see... but it's a cool book, and I'm happy to have been part of it with you!

    4. The pleasure was all ours Monsieur B.

      And Mark... I think "we're gonna need a bigger boat" fits better with all the floods we're having over here at the moment.

      Jon Ayre
