Wednesday, June 06, 2007


No time to blog this AM; I'm off on a day trip.

As I sit here, though, two white-tail deer are stepping carefully around my back yard, nibbling on the brush growing on the upper end of the lawn.


Tomorrow, folks...


  1. Awwww, we need some beautiful pictures. Sadly Kathy and I went down to IKEA on Sunday in CT and we saw our share of deer, howerver they were horizontal and laying by the side of the road.

    Very sad.


  2. Can't have pix of everything! I've a real aversion to cameras, from either end of the lense. Give me some ink, a pen and a brush, though, and I'm there.

  3. Anonymous6/07/2007

    I see a LOT of deer, here in Northeastern Wisconsin. Some milling about brazenly and unafraid, in a country field, watching me pass.
    I see many more, unfortunately,
    on the side of roads, losers in
    a game of chicken with speeding
    Bissette's lucky enough to have
    nature at large in his back yard!
    We're a little more built up around
    here, but I feeled blessed to know
    that in any direction, 15 or 20
    minutes away, I can see wildlife
    in all its glory.
