Thursday, May 24, 2007

So Comcast and I Just Moved the Computer Setup... my viewing room (for now), and I've just connected everything and got it all up and running, and look what Jesus had waiting for me as soon as I opened the email!

Jesus, you are so confusing me. Why are you targeting me so, or allowing me to be targeted? You work in such mysterious ways. I'm still trying to figure out El Topo.

I love my second wife with all my heart and soul, yet you insist upon these temptations.

Look, I'll pray with my beloved wife Marge when she gets home, and see if she's up for Christian Swinging Singles scenes.

Really, my Lord and Savior, I don't think she'll go for it.

But I hear you, Lord, I hear you!


  1. I have never see El Topo. Many, many years ago when I used to go to the repertorie cinema in Buckhead (downtown Atlana, and owned by George Ellis aka "Bestoink Dooley", horror host of my youth in GA), I would see ads for El Topo. Horrifying images! This CAN'T be a western film!! Can it??!!

    At any rate, the images in the promo were so disturbing that I could never gather up the courage to see the film (remember I was just a kid).

  2. It's just out on DVD -- this past week! -- for the first time (legally) in the US. Check it out, Bob, it'll change your life -- or maybe not.


    Let my Truth be free! The people must know!!!
