Monday, May 28, 2007

Moore/Bissette/Totleben Swamp Thing on Jeopardy!?

Just got a call from CCSers Chris Warren and Morgan Pielli -- apparently, the "DC Comics" category of round one (before the 7:15 mark, when Marge and I tuned in after Chris called -- at which point "DC Comics" meant political comedians) concluded with a question about our run on Swamp Thing, and featured a splash page by yours truly and John Totleben!

And Elizabeth Chasalow, CCS graduate, just posted this on the CCS discussion board:

" ALSO also, we [Elizabeth and Jacob Jarvela] were just watching Jeopardy, and in a "DC Comics" category, the $1000 question popped up with a picture of Swamp Thing! Very Happy They had to name the character. Ha!"

Cool. Hope my Ma and Pa saw it!

That's all I know -- just noting it for y'all. Now, there's a Swamp Thing trivia question -- Swamp Thing on Jeopardy, Memorial Day, 2007, 7 PM!


  1. what a way to have a memorable memorial day!

  2. So you're saying The Evil Bush Regime's murder of the National Psyche caused Jeopardy to trivialize Our Nation's Fallen Heroes by featuring comic book characters on Memorial Day! It never ends!

  3. I don't suck on the glass teat, so I won't see Jeapordy make Swampy famous.


    Maybe they'll post in online? (Slurp!)

  4. BTW, I watched PAN'S LABYRINTH on DVD tonight. (Does that count as sucking the glass teat?)

    An amazing film. Everything you said it was. Made me feel like going out and killing me up some fascists. Plenty to choose from.
