Sunday, May 06, 2007

Hey, dig the new blog title -- more evidence of Cat's handiwork, and the changes a'comin' in -- all of which is good!

  • Dig the wacky ongoing search for a 'war czar' -- of course, the headline for Associated Press writer Deb Riechmann says it all: "Help wanted: War czar with clear vision..."
  • Anyone qualified and with 'clear vision' has either been fired, bullied, abused, ignored, or has 'clear' enough 'vision' to steer clear of this completely bonkers President, Administration and these wars.

    And what's with this 'czar' shit?

    I reckon adopting venerable Stalinist and KGB tactics has at last infiltrated & corrupted every niche of the White House think-tanks at last. Hell, we've had Karl Rovesputin at work since the beginning, so why not?

    More later today -- have a great Sunday in the meantime...


    1. Anonymous5/06/2007

      I do love that Tyrant drawing now gracing the header, not least of all because I can go upstairs and look at the original in all its glory. I definitely came out ahead in that particular transaction.

      (let me know if you ever need a higher resolution scan of it for any purpose)

      I'm still having trouble with the site feed, though, having to come here manually to check for updates.

    2. Yeah, czar has been around forever. Dream on. More "proof" that goes POOF!

      I like the new masthead but where oh where is the little gray dot???

      I hope you are paying Cat real money and not those bogus Bissette stock options! Don't fall for it, Cat!

      OK, as much fun as it is to stir up trouble here, I gotta come clean on that last one. Attention world: SRB has never been anything but fair and generous in my dealings with him.

    3. Czar, schmar. It's still creepy shit, and always was, and is moreso now. At least the 'drug czar' wasn't empowered with our entire "foreign policy," such as it is.

      I sure do pay Cat, and will throughout. I've dropped the ball on some stuff in my life, big-time, but do my best to not screw anyone over. Still, some overdue 'sketches' that have become paintings are still due folks -- so, I'm still a fuckup.

    4. PS: Little gray dot is GONE, GONE, I tell you!

    5. huh. can't figure out what i'm doing wrong with the site feed... i'll try fixing it again.

    6. i just added a subscribe link to the top of the sidebar. you may have to resubscribe for it to work...

      here's me crossing my fingers

    7. whoops! that last comment was me posing as bissette...


    8. Anonymous5/06/2007

      I did some looking at the source code, and there are three feeds listed. One Atom, one RSS and one hosted by Blogger. The first one is the one that hasn't updated in over a week (the other two are fine) but I guess because it's listed first it's the one that usually gets picked up. I've subscribed manually to one of the others now. If you can remove the Atom feed or move it down that would be best (or provide direct links to subscribe to one of the working feeds in the sidebar).

    9. Anonymous5/06/2007

      Or, there you go, the Atom feed just updated with all the recent posts, so whatever you just did worked.

    10. The Russian czar was an imitation of the Latin "Caesar". Guess Gary Trudeau isn't that far off the mark in his portrayal of Shrub.

      Love the logo. Way cool.
