Friday, March 02, 2007

Up, Shaved, Showered and Shoveled at 6 AM --

-- and there was already just shy of 6 inches of snow on the ground. It's the thick, heavy stuff, unlike the lighter snow of our blizzard of two weeks ago, and it's still coming down steadily. I was out early enough to ferret out the morning paper before the snow got too deep, or the plow buried the paper till spring, and savored a brisk walk around the neighborhood amid the snow. I love this time of year, but then again, I love 'em all.

Peter Money and I made our trip to the Fairbanks Museum with the CCS freshmen (and two seniors) this past Wednesday, and it was a marvelous excursion. I'll post some thoughts later today, time permitting, and hopefully find a way to post some images, too. Our first planned date was wiped by the storm two weeks ago, but we had an absolutely perfect day this time around: warm, sunny, clear skies, ideal for walking in St. Johnsbury and exploring town and museum.

The rest of the week has been intensive and busy; it's a relief to have the storm descending on us today. Marge is home (school was called off for her with the blessed 5 AM phone call), and we made sure last night we had our groceries in hand and last-minute needs dealt with in hopes of just tucking in today.

OK, have a great Friday, more later --

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