Monday, March 19, 2007

So, This Arrived in the Ol' Email...

...and I held off saying anything for a few days, if only to
  • milk the prankster till his little tittie bled.

  • (BTW, nice to be back, and thanks for all the kind birthday wishes.)


    1. Anonymous3/19/2007

      There's no question ... Marky Mark is the guy on that nazi gun moll site of a few months ago. It's a Christian gun moll site.

    2. Anonymous3/19/2007

      Oh, man. Marge is really hot. Too bad you guys became Christians.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "Now THAT is funny!"

      Yep, tis.

      Don't believe any of that false bravado about my titty, folks. No pain here! Bissette was actually hiding under his bed with his tinfoil hat on his head and a pentagram drawn around his wee-wee to protect him from the Mean Ol' Christians.

      You guys! All you commenters, you act like CHRISTIANS are soooo BAD. What is it? Are they stupid? Judgemental? Hateful? Annoyingly self-assured? Closed-minded? Dangerously wrong?

      Physician, heal thyself.

      Hey, Steve - Don't forget what "removed by author" said. Because I want you to tell me! Send me an e-mail before you forget - of before God smites you down or drowns you in a global flood!!!

    5. and by the way - Marge IS really hot! When God cleanses the earth of all you sinners, that little slut in the crossover ad will be burning in hell and begging for water. Marge will be here on earth providing care and nurturing to the survivors. TRUE beauty - Marge is SUNSPOT hot!

    6. Post deleted was just a repeat of Bob's post ("Now THAT is funny!"), that's all.

      Mark, no doubt the Bush Administration's hypocritical "pro-life" posturing amid war-mongering reality and all that's been done in the name of God via the Christian Right's fusion of Church & State has resulted in much of what you see on this comment board, but maybe I'm wrong on that count.

    7. Yeah, unless I'm mistaken, you're wrong. The "Christian Right" my ass. If you don't know there's an equally sinister Christian Left, meet me for coffee sometime. I'll fill you in.

      Christian wackos are everywhere. Just like Socialist Pinko Wackos. That's life.

    8. It's my fondest wish all the 'wackos' and extremists, of all imaginable denominations and leanings, just don't take the rest of us out in the crossfire.

    9. I love the Phil Ochs tune, "Love Me, I'm a Liberal". Says it all for me.
