Friday, March 02, 2007

The Heart of Saturday Night...

No Tom Waites tonight, spinning
  • The Devil Makes Three CDs -- all three --
  • and savoring the tunes while baking some homemade Bissette-style chocolate chip cookies.

    The house is swinging (I am deep in love with
  • Devil Makes Three, and if you want to hear a sample and check 'em out for yourself, click here, slick!)
  • and it sure smells goooooooood. My deepest thanks once more to Maia and Danny for turning me on to this great music, and howdy out to Peter, Lucia and Cooper, for what it's worth.

    Well, here in Windsor, the snow is still blowing, but dropped out just shy of 7 inches or so. We're all plowed out, dug out and fancy free, but no desire to risk the icy roads to go anywhere. Why leave this sweet home tonight?

    Screened two movies as part of my WRIF (White River Independent Film festival) duties, one pleasant, one incredible. I'll write about 'em tomorrow. 'Nite, all...


    1. Glad the snow hasn't caused you too much trouble.

      Where do you find the time to watch so many freaking films and read so many books??!!

      I spend all of my free time either writing, reading, or backpacking (and I take a journal wherever I hike or backpack). I find myself unable to devote more than four or five hours a month to watching a movie.

    2. I live, breath, eat, shit, walk, talk, write, draw, read, watch, drive and work daily. It's life. I like it. Of course, as mentioned earlier this winter, this stint working on the WRIF film selection committee has intensified the film viewing I've had to do the past two months or so; it'll ease up later. More time to revisit old favorites!

      The snow -- phhah! A pleasant storm. 51 years in VT, it's easy: avoid driving in the shit when it's flying. Stay home, stay warm, dig out after. No worries.
