Friday, February 16, 2007

Taking Measure on a Friday

"Why, this old comic collection might indeed be bigger than my dick!"
(Photo: Joe Citro)

Catch-up and then outta here -- CCS senior Adam Staffaroni and I are off to St. Albans, VT to speak at the library at BFA UHS #48, thanks to an invite from librarian Peter Jones.

Glad I moved an hour closer to St. Albans!

Anyhoot, gotta be quick this morning, sooooo --

* Rick Veitch and his older son Ezra (younger son Kirby is still in college; "hey!" from here to both of you, Ezra and Kirby!) have a unique jam you can watch and listen to, which you
  • can download from here,
  • and I think this post scoops this link!

    What is it?

    Well, here's how Rick describes it, as "a podcast of me reading the text from Can't Get No, with Ezra providing the ghost soundscape behind me.... If you click on this link it brings you to a list of different podcasts available. Just click on Can't Get No for the 49 meg download."

    If your computer system and online access is up to the task, go for it, folks, and enjoy!

    * Remember that lovely Mario Bava boxed set I foamed-at-the-mouth about here last week?
  • Well, Tim Lucas has been getting lots of mixed signals from Anchor Bay about what may or may not ultimately be in that set.
  • Until Tim posts the final word on this matter, I refer you to his blog, and we're all waiting with bated Bava breath for what we can or can't see, come street-date for that lovely brick of Bava.

    * My old crony and amigo Steve Perry is a guest at Megacon in Orlando, FL this coming Saturday, so if you're in the Orlando area, here's your chance to meet the man who co-created many characters, from Marvel's Varnae and the Epic series Timespirits, to many of the villains and supporting characters on the Thundercats (and, dare I forget, Silverhawks) cartoon programs and more.

    Steve, along with Mark Whitcomb, Jack Venooker and Tim "Doc Ersatz" Viereck, convinced me back in 1976 (while we were all at Johnson State College) to pursue my dream, via applying to the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art, Inc.'s first-ever year of operation, and it was in fact Steve (with his subscription to The Comic Buyer's Guide and that paper's "Beautiful Balloons" column, announcing the opening of the JK School) who initiated that push.

    We had the pleasure of working together on a number of projects, including my first-ever published comics work in Abyss, pro stories for Bizarre Adventures, Epic ("Kultz" in Epic #6, among my personal faves of anything I ever did in comics), Heavy Metal, etc., and have stayed in touch over the years, through thick and thin.

    I'm happy to report I just wrote the introduction for the upcoming graphic novel collection of Steve's and fellow XQB and dear friend Tom Yeates's classic 1980s Epic miniseries Timespirits. (Steve's hoping to get Tom to Megacon next year, and emailed me a proposition to join them -- time will tell!)

    So, if you're planning on visiting Megacon, look for Steve on Saturday, bring your copies of Timespirits, Bizarre Adventures, Thundercats & Silverhawks for signing, and say hello -- this is his first con in almost 20 years!

    * In a followup to my Tuesday post, allow me to note that
  • the official Brattleboro Reformer obit for Alan Eames, who passed away this past weekend, is here (scroll down to it).

  • Curiously, it reads like Alan himself wrote it -- I can hear his voice quite clearly in this!

    R.I.P., Alan; glad to have met you and known you a bit before your passing. Much love to his family, especially to Sheila, Elena, and most of all to Adrian and Andrew.

    [A curious note: the guest book, which both I and my daughter Maia have posted to, is up until -- gulp -- my birthday. Weird, eh?]

    * Vermonters have been happily
  • emailing this to one another all week;
  • I gotta give credit to actor, fellow ex-First Run Video employee and fellow native Vermonter Michael Dean for sending the link to me. Check it out!

    Our representatives in the Federal government have done pretty well by us, and I've been particularly savoring
  • Philip Baruth reminding me regularly of why I love Senator Patrick Leahy.

  • Bring on the bottled water, by all means, if only to ensure I hydrate as needed during my daily visit to
  • The Vermont Daily Briefing.
  • Check it out, too.

    Have a great weekend, one and all!


    1. Anonymous2/16/2007

      Wow, you really do seem to be the go-to guy for introductions of reprints these days. I only read one issue of TIMESPIRITS, the one with you, Al Williamson and a few others doing guest art. Been tempted to pick up some more, now I guess I can just look for the upcoming book.

    2. Anonymous2/16/2007

      Couldn't find contact info for you on your site, I guess the pages aren't up yet? I was hoping you might know how to find a copy of Wings of Death which you reviewed in Deep Red years ago. I can be e-mailed at cphilipp \at\ Thanks!

    3. I'd forgotten all about TIMESPIRITS. I sometimes recall books based on sales in my shops. Even books that I read and enjoyed. TIMESPIRITS was a book that I quite liked and enjoyed pushing on my customers.

      That would be great to see it collected and sold anew.

    4. I'm really looking forward to the Timespirits collection...I still have my originals, but it will be great to have every issue in one place, and besides, now I can stop digging my old copies out!

      I was fortunate enough to pick up on that series when it came out, and still consider it one of the very best series of the 1980's, if not the last 3 decades...

    5. Hey, Chris -- wow, you hang on to those ol' DEEP RED reviews, don'tcha? WINGS OF DEATH is long out of my collection, and no idea how to get a copy -- good luck!

      My email, FYI, is -- hope you revisit your comment and find this reply!

      Glad the TIMESPIRITS reprint is prompting some warm comments; I'm quite looking forward to it seeing print. Will post more info on the blog, once I know when it's coming out...
