Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Update:
15+ inches and
still snowing...

Just a quick evening update:

Measured the snow fall thus far at 5:30: 14 1/2 inches, and still falling.

Looks like it's already another inch up from where it was.

Glad we have indoor plumbing...


  1. Anonymous2/15/2007

    Hey Steve--
    Thanks for the posting. Looks great. Before the end of the month I'll be adding 2 stories to the blog, one about ghosts associated with the site. The other about possible theories to explain the treasure. Thanks for permission to use your illo from "The Ghost Guide". It's a good 'en ane will add a lot.
    And you're right about the terraine -- worst ever. I fell twice and came home quite battered. Nearly busted my camera. A very dangerous place, ghosts or no ghosts.
    --Joe C.

  2. Hey, Joe, how'd you miss posting a comment to the correct post? Blogger newbie syndrome!
