Wednesday, February 21, 2007

No Time! No Time!

Wednesday AM and no time -- so, feeble post today. Sorry.

Today's post title is true, but prompted too by the ongoing interview I'm amid with Bryan Talbot, whose new graphic novel Alice in Sunderland is soon to appear. More on that later -- when this white rabbit has time.

I've been working my way through notes on some of my old Swamp Thing pencils for the upcoming issue of Rough Stuff magazine ("S&M for Comics Pencillers"), prepping today and tomorrow's lectures for CCS, etc., all while making room for two trips north -- one today for
  • the Vermont cartoonists's panel in Burlington at the Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts -- all the info is here!
  • -- and for a CCS class trip up to
  • Stowe to visit the Helen Day Art Center and the "Fine Toon" VT cartooning show.

  • Whew; don't be surprised if I'm absent from here for a day or two, but I'll try to ensure that doesn't happen.

    Followup on an email query from 'anonymous': Alex Toth was indeed vetted by Heavy Metal art director John Workman to do 1941: The Illustrated Story. For more info, check out the TwoMorrow's zine Alter Ego #63, December 2006, edited as ever by Roy Thomas; it's Roy's Toth tribute issue, and John Workman's article "1941 And All That: Why the Graphic Novel Version of Steven Spielberg's 1979 Film Was Not Drawn by Alex Toth" (pp. 47-50) says it all.

    John, bless him, says the final published book was "brilliantly done by the young and wildly exuberant team of Rick Veitch and Steve Bissette," and notes the graphic novel did make a profit, which was news to me. FYI, Spielberg loathed what we'd done -- I still have a copy of his extremely negative letter to the HM folks in my files, which I reprinted in the letters page of SpiderBaby Comix -- but hey, maybe it's because we saw the truth about 1941 and laid it all out on the page for all to see!

    Have a great Wednesday, one and all --


    1. Spielberg probably diskliked it because the comic book was about twenty billion motherfucking times better than that piece of shit movie.

      BTW, I bought the Illustrated 1941 before I saw the film--it was in a bookstore in a little mall I frequented in my tiny native South Georgia town. My main interest in it at the time was that I'd heard the film starred John Belushi, so my teen-aged brain made me buy the book because of that. I was not diappointed. (Well...not in the comic. The movie sucked High Holy Ass--except for Slim Pickens.)

    2. Spielberg used the term-of-endearment "cannibalistic" in his letter, and compared us to Bosch, so I loved his response.

    3. Bissette interviews Talbot? Looking forward to this as someone who loves his Luther Arkwright work ...

    4. Bryan and I just wrapped up the first segment of the interview (the portion dedicated to his new graphic novel, ALICE IN SUNDERLAND), and moving on to other works this weekend, including LUTHER ARKWRIGHT. I'm looking forward to that discussion a great deal!
