Sunday, January 07, 2007

Another Day, Another Load --

-- and at last, the end is in sight for this move!

Yesterday, three of the CCS crew still here during vacation break -- Jon-Mikel, Bryan and Joe -- accepted some cash, lunch, beverages and dedicated their day to helping me pack books and comics and zines down in Marlboro.

This utterly bizarre winter weather meant we drove to Marlboro in almost 70 degree comfort and arrived to find -- mud season. I'm a seasoned vet mud driver, but we still scraped bottom for a stretch and the mire almost sucked the Toyota to a dead halt at one point, but we got through and to the old hacienda. I think it threw the trio with me, but better this muck then three feet of snow, drifts and below-zero weather for the move. This completely screwy winter thus far is unnerving and scary, but has been an unexpected and unpredictable boon for Marge and I and the demands of the move. I'm counting our blessings, folks.

We got a lot done, and I think with the additional time I put in later this week and one more push with three more folks next weekend, we'll at last be done. (I'm pretty fried, though, so likely I'll scrape up the dough for professional movers to move the boxes in one shot thereafter -- I have to complete this process, and soon.)

Still, the new owners-to-be are excited and have been great to work with. They've enjoyed popping in at the house, which we encourage, and are already measuring and making their plans for their soon-to-be new home. We close the sale before the last week in January, and they're eager to move in -- just as eager as I am to be out! Marge, bless her, is done with her part of the move, and has made our new Windsor home just that -- a home.

When Jon, Joe, Bryan and I got back to Windsor last night, Bryan and Joe's wives Amanda and Becca were here, and Marge had a delicious supper waiting for one and all.

It was a great way to cap a busy day, and a real treat to entertain in our new digs. Good food, great company, good conversation and the highly entertaining feline hi-jinks of Tuco and Lizzie (Amanda had 'em both leaping like they were in a circus arena, playing with the cats and their new toys) made for a memorable evening. Thanks, one and all!

I finally fell down around 10:30, after everyone had headed back to White River Jct., and slept soundly till 6:30 this morning, which is late for me these days. Then I was up and out for one more packing stretch and carload haul -- before the weather turns nasty tonight. Sigh.

Time to get back to painting the viewing room -- hopefully, sometime soon, I can begin my own process of "nesting" (as Marge calls it). I'm looking forward to it -- maybe soon...

Have a great Sunday, all.

1 comment:

  1. The tundra you used to hike to on the summits of The Camels Hump will soon be gone.

    Biolgists suspect one of the first North American animals to go extinct will be the pika. As the alpine environment the little western critter needs vanishes, it will have nowhere to go...but into the void.

    Joining them will be any number of rare alpine plants that exist in the upper elevations of northern Appalachian peaks.

    70 degrees in Vermont in January.


    Glad you have the move completed, though.
