Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Already in the Thick of 2007...

Hope you all had a great New Year; we did, with friends showing up as planned before the midnight ritual on the 31st and spending the night here as our first-ever house guests. This meant that Marge, miraculous Goddess/woman she is, had actually not only unpacked but had completely set up the living room, kitchen, dining area and guest room/office by the 31st! Amazing.

I, on the other hand, am still struggling with the move's logistics and tasks, with daily (as weather permits) trips between Marlboro and Windsor still necessary as I complete packing and moving of my libraries and collections. Here at our new home, I'm also painting a room (the rest, blessedly, needed no painting), which I've almost completed (two coats on some walls) and prepping the basement for its renovation into the needed library and writing space(s). Thankfully, David Gabriel accepted the contractor job for construction of the shelves and spaces necessary to my master plan, and it's all falling into place -- though this means I'll be staggering around the debris of my collection and library for some time to come until all the work can be completed, moving the boxes from place to place around the work areas until it all takes shape and permits unboxing and shelving. Sigh.

The biggest flaw in my master plan involved my art flat file cabinet, which needs to be mounted on a platform in the basement before I can re-file my 35+ years of artwork. Alas, that plan involved moving the platform constructed in 2002 for the Marlboro basement library/office area -- which I had specifically requested be built to be removed/moved if necessary down the road. Well, now that I'm down that road, damn it but we find on moving day this past Thursday that the platform was constructed fully attached to the wall -- and could not be removed. Shit! Thus, my comfy drawing studio here in Windsor is unusable for the time being, the floor covered with carefully-wrapped-in-plastic and stacked decades of Bissette art and such. Until the new platform and flooring is in place, the flat file is in pieces, not a workable unit, here in our Windsor basement.

So, I've taken to drawing in my sketchbook in the meantime -- so be it. It'll be some time before I can move my drawing board and light table into the new studio room, and that's just how it is.

Luckily, though, my upcoming CCS duties this semester do not require the extensive daily access to my collection/library the fall semester classes absolutely revolve around. I've been pretty good about packing and keeping in reach what I will need for this semester, and thus far haven't found any fatal gaps in my shuffling from one local to the new home as far as my upcoming CCS semester is concerned. Wish me luck on that remaining true...

More later today, as time permits. I've got the long drive to and from Marlboro ahead this morning and at least five hours more of packing/moving ahead, and hear Marge up and about downstairs -- she returns to work today. So, off to the morning rituals and to hit the road myself.

Have a great January 2nd, one and all.

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