Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Blogged Down

This is the fourth or fifth day of blog posting problems, and the third day of not even being able to see my own blog, with no evidence it's visible to anyone else, either. I've written blog support numerous times, with no response or action I can detect. Sigh.

Maybe, someday -- or perhaps it's time to just walk away from this time-drain.


  1. I was having trouble finding new entries for awhile, but you seem to be almost up to date now!

    Don't go away!

  2. Steve,

    Hey Heath here. Just wanted to let you know I bought Dracula (featuring Bela Lugosi!)last night on the Universal Legacy Series DVD and was greatly impressed by both the production value of the movie, and the movie itself. Think I'm gonna have to buy the Frankenstein DVD as well. Well, I'm off to bed and continued sick leave, and anxiously awaiting your package. Take care, and hope your Blog gets straightened out soon.

    (Don't know if you got the first three but I'll try sending again one last time)

  3. Anonymous10/18/2006

    Seems to be working again.
    Don't give up the blog, Steve. How else will you get free trips to Europe?
