Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Big News

Details to follow -- Marge and I are indeed moving from our beloved Marlboro, VT home to a Vermont village much further north.

We are doing so primarily due to work issues, and to minimize the distances we drive regularly for our respective jobs. But this is also a momentous life change, and we are embracing it as such. A great adventure lies ahead!

To that end, I will be using this blog (and at least one other online venue) to put 'paid' to some malingering past issues.

This is to clear the decks for the absolute commitment to our futures -- in a new town, a part of the state I've never lived in before -- and to the new personal and creative vistas that wait ahead.

It will be a momentous task, and there's much, much work to do, but we're on our way. This announcement follows much work, and this week's notice to many family and friends that we're now on a new path to our new home.

Stay tuned!


  1. So when is the pre-move tag sale? I can help you with that!

  2. Ugh. Moving. I can think of nothing more tedious than moving a household.

    Good luck to you guys.

    Will the bear follow you?

  3. Anonymous10/29/2006

    Coming to Plainfield? ;)


  4. Anonymous10/29/2006

    The way you wrote about your current abode, and all you had done to make your work area functional and organized, and your
    living area a true home, I thought
    you two would stay there a mite
    longer. (It sure sounded like a
    nice place to me!)
    But things change and opportunities arise and you and Marge sound as if you're up to the my blessings go with you!
    Me, I've been in the same house for 25 years...I'm just getting
