Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday Morning Shake

Easing into the week after a marvelous weekend, and tackling prep for the intensive second week of the new semester at the Center for Cartoon Studies.

I'll be posting off-and-on in the next 24 hours, and be offline until Thursday AM -- which is likely to be my weekly rhythm hereafter, giving my CCS teaching schedule.

So, from now on this blog will offer rare Tuesday AM posts, and I'm unlikely to ever be posting Wednesday, but I'll be here as often as I can be the rest of the time.

Among the prep duties of the day is the pleasant "task" of reading a short story by Ross Wood Studlar, the CCS senior I'm working with one-on-one (as his thesis advisor). This story may prove to be the springboard for Ross's thesis project -- we'll see, that's up to Ross! -- but it's a great beginning of the process, and I'm feeling good overall about the coming year.

Last week, the incoming CCS freshmen students completed their first collective comic as part of our first drawing workshop session -- yes, already, a new comic!

Hi-Octane High Emotion may never command the covetous attention of the comic-buying masses, but it emerged from a lively roundtable drawing exercise of my invention, gave us all a way to sample what we're capable of, and yielded at least a few corkers and one gem of a one-pager I can't stop laughing at.

OK, more later today --

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