Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday Blah Blah Blahs

Ah, fuck shit, it's Monday, in't it?

Bad enough that yesterday was punctuated by the closing down of our local Route 9, preventing any passage from here to Brattleboro -- no matinee as planned, no bringing my son Dan up for supper -- but I'm not bitching about that, cuz it was a way worse Sunday for the as-yet unnamed poor bastard on a motorcycle who crossed the center line on Route 9 and slammed head-on in a semi coming the other direction.

Hence the closing of Route 9 for 3+ hours.


This is the third biker accident I know of on that route caused by crossing the center line, a practice I see many cars indulge in as well on that curvy bit of road.

No, that was bad, but things are worse all over.

We've collectively crossed the center line, and the semi's unforgiving grill is a hair-breadth away, and we act like it simply isn't happening.

I'm fuming this morning over our current ruling patriarchs, who blithely
  • deny both the real-world repercussions of their actions on the global stage -- repercussions many of us predicted, seeing how the military solution would play into Osama's plan all along,
  • while remaining blissfully uncaring of
  • and the most intimate consequences of their domineering bullshit (check out the Monday, September 18, 2006 post), too. Why care about Global Warming, right?

  • Man, I could go on and on, but you know the routine (and if you don't, you've successfully negotiated burying your head-in-ass neck deep).

    Can nothing knock these arrogant motherfuckers off their high horse? Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, all of 'em speak of "freedom" and wrap that word around their every callous decision or action, like it's a lozenge to ease the pain of Guantanamo force-feeding tubes or lubricant for the latest population-wide ass-reaming they're indulging.

    Though I know it will be dire times for everyone, I really can't wait for this US Empire to fall to its bloody knees. We deserve whatever happens to us.
  • The latest torture vote after an ultimately compromised stand by principled Republicans
  • really is the last straw: we're hopeless.

    We can talk all we want about American ideals, we've sold them all down the river and are too busy indignantly waving flags to notice or care. We lie, wage war for no stated reason, torture, kidnap, imprison without the acknowledging the basest rule of international law, wring our hands over General Motors like it isn't endemic of the whole shooting-match -- and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    Which is, like, melting away at a faster rate than scientists had previously calculated, based on the erosive impact of hidden 'black lakes' and such, though Bush thinks it's all as illusory as "evilution."

    But, hey, it's Monday, right?

    Must just be Monday.

    I'm off to work -- you want cheerier reading, check out my weekend posts you might have missed as yet. I didn't even mention Chavez or The Devil once.

    It's all about Cthulhu, who's looking friendlier by the minute.

    Move over, Barney; Cthulhu has a song to sing.

    Hmmm, wait a minute, this is cheering me up.

    Heck, it's election season -- six weeks to go -- let's think outside the box.

    And remember -- the Old Ones just need a little doorway to make it all theirs.

    We won't have to wait until November 2008!

    Vote in a few Cthulhu cronies, and the whole shithouse goes up in chunks!

    They'll just move right in, like shit through a goose, like ten tanks overthrowing the Korean government!

    Cthulhu is a great alternative to two more years of Bush!

    Bring on the reign of the Old Ones!

    If we're going to suffer patriarchs, let's at least suffer beneath the yoke of elder beings that predate humanity!

    for Vice President! He's cuddlier by far than Dickless Cheney! At least Nyarlanthotep's mouth isn't permanently screwed into that perpetually smug Cheney used-car dealer sneer. Hell, Nyar hasn't even got lips to curl at you. Bring on Nyarlanthotep!

    You want "extraordinary rendition" as sanctioned government policy? Hell, the sentient Fungi from Yogguth perfected those practices strange eons ago! Who needs secret CIA Eurocamps or alien abductions when you've got a six-foot crustacean with pyramid-like heaps of throbbing tubing where a head should be cheerfully spiriting your sorry ass away for dabbling where you shouldn't dabble?

    Anti-choice pro-life policies getting you down? Let Shub-Niggurath, the Goat with a Thousand Young, amp the pro-life agenda! Fecundity Uber Alle! Take that, Christian right-wingers! Let your yeasty wombs spew forth hundreds of drownable toddlers! Go ahead, womb-coveters, hack open those distended bellies, the young will spill out and feed upon your luckless limbs! Let's see if your Jesus Camp wargames for kids can stand up to a righteous dose of Shub-lips's wrath!

    Ah, Monday.

    Glad to brighten your day.

    (Hey, if Pluto really isn't a planet any longer, does that mean Yogguth is?)


    1. I'd like to see a pronouncation guide for all of the Lovecraft names....will that be at the HP fest?

      Did old HP ever do one himself? Or this he just string togther these names and allow the readers to decide for themselves?

      So if Bernie going to win the Senate seat in Vermont?

    2. HEY! Would you keep it quiet out there? I'm trying to listen to Rush!

    3. Anonymous9/25/2006

      And if you think all that's not bad enough ... check out Sarah Chayes. I happened to tune into a C span talk of hers. After five years, Afganistan is many times worse, but the real shub-lips of it is that the 5000 american forces there are nothing more than the armed malitia of the governmental warlord. 8 million a day gets sifered off into the pockets of the corrupt. All is, according to her, lost, getting worse, and without any hope whatsoever. Thanks, Mister Bush.

    4. Anonymous9/25/2006

      Steve --

      Oh c'mon, aren't you sorta preaching to the choir here with all this dark goat stuff?

      I just saw a terrifically inspirational movie last night in Keene: "Encounter Point", re: Israeli & Palestine. When all seems lost and out of control, it's good to check in with people who have confidence in peace...

      The website is:

    5. Anonymous9/26/2006

      At least the Great Old Ones will treat everyone equally...

    6. Anonymous9/26/2006

      wat the fuk now. come on once now.. yesdear

    7. Just trying to find a lighter angle in the shadows of a pretty dire week via the Lovecraftian jokes. Let's see if I can comment on all the above:

      * Lovecraft never created a pronounciation guide, to my knowledge, but Lovecraft scholars have excavated letters HP wrote offering some insights, and the S.T. Joshi's of the world could clear all this up for you, Mike. Beats Mr. Mxzyxptlk (sp?), though, eh?

      * Berni may win, he may not. It's a dirty race they're running in VT, but hey, it's true all over -- the Republicans are desperate to retain absolute power, while blaming the Democrats every step of the way. Berni being independent (he won, but declined, the Democratic primary position to retain his indy status) hasn't kept him out of the mud-slinging fray, and Rich Tarrant is spending millions slagging the tar at Berni. By all accounts from friends who have had the misfortune to meet Tarrant and/or spend any time in his presence, he's a noxious fellow personally as well as politically -- his latest ad campaign is a corker, featuring pissed off old Vermonters spitting bile. Anger, as ever, is the Republican coin of the realm -- relevant to Marek's comment on this thread, it's about time the Dems get righteously pissed and direct that in the correct directions, with some teeth (and facts) to lend their ire weight.

      * Mark, you just keep listening to that puffy pharmaceutical-drug-addicted bum spout his bile, and I'll crank up the volume from here. I can't wait until we see how the addictions begin to impact on Rush's physiology; will he bloat like Elvis and Jerry Lewis, or go the "walking decay" route of Michael Jackson? Maybe, like William Burroughs, he'll become a walking prescription-drug-addict advertisement, and just never die. Or shut up.

      * Afghanistan is a lost cause -- by diverting billions of dollars, the complete military might of the US, and as-yet-uncounted lives into their harebrained Iraq War, Bush and his cronies abandoned Afghanistan to chaos and the reemergence of the Taliban and tribal factionism. It was arguably the most criminal of their initial criminal acts -- waging, only to abandon, war in Afghanistan -- and the now much-publicized difference between last week's NEWSWEEK in't edition ("Afghanistan Lost") and US edition (Annie Liebowitz!) covers amply demonstrated how complicit our own media and journalists have been in keeping the wool over the American public's eyes. That, too, is criminal, to my mind, and unforgivable.

      * Marek, forgive an old hippy who lived through the Vietnam years his occasional ire and outrage at the complete replay of history, wherein one at times finds RAMBO trumping reality as "the lessons learned in Vietnam" from pundits and politicians who should know better. I believe in and passionately live peace, but I've never seen a darker period in US history in my lifetime than what we're enduring now, and I fear for my son and daughter's future -- particularly my son, as the draft seems an inevitability with every passing day of this completely war-crazed, saber-rattling, bloodthirsty President and Administration. I never thought I'd be saying this, but Reagan did one thing right as President: he at least had the wisdom to ignore the rantings of paranoid shits like Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz, the architects of the New American Reich.

      * Yes, the Great Old Ones will indeed treat us all as equals... To Serve Man, anyone?

      * Dave, it's how it is, man. Roadside Frog must croak.
