Thursday, August 31, 2006

Post Pending

Morning, all -- the internet connection is wonky this AM, so I'll be trying to post a little later today. Here's hoping it's cooperative, cuz it sure ain't this AM. I had art to post, and it just -- isn't -- posting.

I'm once again shipping vast boxes of my collection to Henderson State U's HUIE Library and my friends there, led by Special Collections honcho Lea Ann Alexander. Yesterday went some art goodies, a Constantine statue, binders and business cards from yore, and much more. More to go tomorrow. I may yet be able to walk from one end of my basement studio/viewing room to another!

In the meantime, then, this, forwarded to me by HomeyM from Jamica, VT, from I'm-not-sure-what-source... hell, if these corporate fuckers start messing with how slow or fast things load to serve their mercantile ends, I may bail out of the internet altogether. As it is, those of us in non-high-speed-access-non-access pockets of the US are being left waaaaaaaaaaay behind, sans options (satellite does not do it, and in fact the loading of home pages is slowed via satellite), which is a nonreality and nonfactor to those of you/"them" taking high-speed access so for granted.

Anyhoot, read on, and hope to see you here later, if the internet-access-powers-that-be so deign...

What is Net Neutrality?

Right now, your Internet company doesn't get to choose which websites open quickly on your computer. They can't decide that Google will open more quickly than Yahoo, or that the website of a company they own will open more quickly than a competitor. That's because of Net Neutrality -- the rule that's been in place since the Internet was created that says Internet service providers can't discriminate between websites.

Telephone and cable companies (like AT&T, Verizon, BellSouth, Comcast, and Time Warner) want to eliminate Net Neutrality so they can put tollbooths on the Internet and speed up sites that pay them the most. They've been quite blatant about it -- here's what one top executive told the Washington Post:

"William L. Smith, chief technology officer for Atlanta-based BellSouth Corp., told reporters and analysts that an Internet service provider such as his firm should be able, for example, to charge Yahoo Inc. for the opportunity to have its search site load faster than that of Google Inc." (Washington Post, December 1, 2005)

[Links were provided, but I can't make 'em link this morning! How -- uh, ironic!]

1 comment:

  1. While I don't know what source HomeyM got it from, MoveOn was campaigning about this for a while.
