Thursday, June 22, 2006

Yow -- One post per week?

Ah, as work continues on the website construction, on my freelance gigs, on the early summer travel and obligations, and as time to work on the computer becomes tighter and more complicated, I'm losing ground on the ol' blog, aren't I? Apologies to those who used to frequent this venue. I hope to be back up to speed soon, and again make this a livelier read.

In the meantime, suffice to say I'm scrambling all over the state on various errands, including yesterday's talk at the Bixby Library in Vergennes, VT. Next week is the first of the Center for Cartoon Studies summer workshops, which I'll be teaching at Monday, Tuesday and Friday -- just got off the phone with CCS co-founder/honcho James Sturm as we tighten and tweak our Monday-Tuesday sessions. I'll see at least a couple of you there!

More later -- back to the daily email grind --

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