Thursday, May 11, 2006

Check Yesterday's Post

For you early morning risers and readers, check yesterday afternoon's postings, in case you missed them. Though I'm determined to post daily, it won't necessarily be my morning ritual for the summer, in part due to the text I'm prepping for the Bissette Website, which leads me to --

Finally, the Website is Close to Launch!

It's been a long haul, complicated by my commitment to CCS and the lack of ability to load illos from home (you don't need me to bitch about lack of high-speed access this early in the day, do you?), but at last Jane Wilde and I are in the final stages of the initial website launch. Once it's up, I'll be adding material weekly to get it to where I want/need it to be, but it'll be a start, and one with a fair amount of eye-candy, too.

The key features -- including an extensive bibliography -- will take some time to pull together, but I'm still sure even the diehard Bissettaholics out there will find some eye-opening 'new' stuff in view on the site, never seen before anywhere else. Of course, in the best of all worlds, I'd also be able to regularly post new art, photos, etc. on the site (and on this blog), but alas, that's still a remote and far-away option. It'll be a big step up, though, from the long-defunct site, which has been impossible to update since February of 2005; no sour grapes, though, as all that Rick Veitch & Steve Conley created did bring many of us into the internet era, as did Jack Venooker's all-too-brief but energized The Kingdom discussion board, home to the missed-by-some Swamp.

But this'll be my site, sans "you can't do that/you shouldn't do that" encumbrances or deferments, for better or worse. The design on the initial launch will be crude, mind you -- I'm no web designer, and Jane Wilde's skills are more technical than artistic -- but it'll be a beginning, as I've said. More later on that...

Copenhagen Followup

I'm prepping a bunch of followup material on our trip to Copenhagen, including writeups of the books I picked up there. Marge also took four rolls of photos, which we'll find some way to share with you -- but in the meantime, I'll post links (as they emerge) from my friends in Copenhagen. First up, appropriately enough, is Arni Gunnarsson -- the man who suggested I come to's event, and proposed that to the organizers; thanks, Arni! -- who has just posted his writeup of Leah Moore & John Reppion's series Wildgirl
  • here.
  • Arni's also hoping to create an online gallery for everyone's photos, so that may be how you see ours, too. Updates as they emerge, promise! But in the meantime, I'll have some writeups here (and full reviews at over the next couple of weeks.

    Just Kos

    A couple of end-of-April Daily Kos articles worth a read, which I meant to post sooner -- links suggested by/compliments of my old friend Jean-Marc Lofficier,
  • here

  • and
  • here.
  • Give 'em a look-see, and ponder...

    1 comment:

    1. Anonymous5/12/2006

      Hi Steve,

      As a big fan of yours -- and as one of the folks who were lucky enough to attend your Journeys Into Fear lectures in Montreal (July 2005) --, I can't wait for your site to launch! Among other things, I'll be sure to take a long look at the sections devoted to film, your lectures and your 1963 characters...
