Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hey, Thanks, Tim!

My longtime Bava-lovin' Watchdog-publishin' Throat Sprockets-projectin' Renfield-ravin' comrade-in-arms Tim Lucas wrote me a birthday sonnet -- and posted it online. Garsh.

Sing along with
  • Tim Lucas's Watchblog Birthday Poem for Bissette,
  • and thanks one and all! (Scroll down to the Watchblog's March 14th's post if you're seeing this after that date.)

    51 is sweet.


    1. Fifty-odd years later, happy and wet,
      A wet happy puppy emerged from the duct tape finals at the Mr Heterosexual Contest and lo and behold, it was that crazy Bissette!

    2. Rhyming "thousands" and "Harryhausens"? Excellent.

      Happy birthday, Steve.

    3. Happy birthday, Steve. Hope everything is going great for ya.
