Friday, March 03, 2006

Correction and more links

Hey, correction on the title of Dan's upcoming zine title: it's Hot Chicks Take Huge Shits. Gosh. Sorry.

More info on the Italian Fulci book Dan and I contributed to, compliments of Smoky Man, awaits you
  • here.

  • ____

    This hasn't anything to do with me, but it's cool: Chris Staros of Top Shelf just wrote:

    "Starting today, you can see a free preview of the first animation of Jeffrey Brown's work, a video for the Grammy nominated alternative rock band DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE. The video is part of their 'Directions' project, which will feature a video for each song from their latest album, Plans. Jeffrey wrote the semi-autobiographical story for the song 'Your Heart Is An Empty Room', and produced the images that were then animated by Eliza Chincarini. The 'Directions' DVD will be on sale in stores on April 11, but you can see Jeffrey's video now through March 5 at

  • Brown has two new autobiographical works out via Top Shelf, Every Girl is the End of the World For Me (reportedly the epilogue to his "Girlfriend Trilogy") and I Am Going to Be Small.

    I also thought it worth mentioning fellow CCS instructor James Kochalka has landed a tune with the Fox Network's sitcom The Loop. I'm told by James Sturm that our fellow faculty member is overjoyed; so tune in to hear "Hockey Monkey" when The Loop debuts on Wednesday, March 15th at 9:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (& on its regular slot 8:30 PM on Thursdays).

    John Carlin is on The Diane Rehm Show archives talking about the controversial "Master of American Comics" exhibit he curated, and that interview is
  • here
  • (link compliments of Michael Dooley); check it out.

    Al Nickerson has a new link up with Dave Sim's latest letter,
  • here.
  • I think Dave's full of shit on the whole Marvelman/Miracleman issue, though I understand he's talking about the rights to the character and concept, not the body of work which is still the property of Alan Moore, Gary Leach, Alan Davis, John Totleben, Rick Veitch, Neil Gaiman, etc. -- or at least, I hope he's not talking about the entire Miracleman canon. To my mind, Todd McFarlane has been 100% in the wrong since day one on this issue, and has only continued to act like a bully and lout. But, hey, that's just me.

    BTW, the creator's rights message board Al is constructing will launch on March 6th -- will announce it properly here and provide the link!


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