Friday, November 25, 2005

Morning, all,

Well, we got our first real snow cover yesterday, and all our Thanksgiving guests still made it here, had a great time, ate tons of food, and then got home safe and sound, though we're told it was "a white-knuckle ride" by one of 'em.

Hey, Mark Martin isn't awake yet. He has a new blog. Run over to
  • his new blog
  • and post a comment there before he reads this.

    C'mon, it'll be really funny. Let's see how many we can rack up before Mark "stupid ol' blog" Martin next posts anything there.

    Quote for the day, from Charles Krauthammer at The Washington Post (compliments of Daniel Barlow):

    ""What could be more elegant, more simple, more brilliant,
    more economical, more creative, indeed more divine than a planet with millions of life forms, distinct and yet interactive, all ultimately derived from accumulated variations in a single double-stranded molecule, pliable and fecund enough to give us mollusks and mice, Newton and Einstein? Even if it did give us the Kansas State Board of Education, too."

  • It's all here.

  • OK, that's it. I'm off to watch the new King Kong DVD -- what a way to start the day.

    More later --


    1. Is that Luke Przybylski?
      You can't talk sense to the stubborn old Luddite. He's WEIRD, man! Paranoid of flamers taking over - AS IF WE CAN'T ANYWAY! HA!

    2. Thanks, Luke. Ah, it's beyond me. Besides, my website captain Jane would punish me if I messed with the blog space she set up.

      So, Luddite, yes, paranoid, no. I barely can function in this universe -- give me a break! I need air, air!

      BTW, I am so disappointed in everyone. Damn, we had a perfectly great window of opportunity to have fun over on Mark's blog, and nobody came to play. Fooey on this blogosphere. Bunch of ol' fuddy-duddies, no fun at all.

    3. Howdy, Luke -- Yup, Mark's already tossed in the towel, and gave me a little slap aside the head on the way out. Ah, well.

      Thanks for the heads up on the FRANKENSTEIN book -- will check it out!
